Delete Pages

Delete one or more pages from a document


See our public API Reference for Delete Pages

Delete Pages in a PDF

The delete pages operation selectively removes pages from a PDF file.

Please refer the API usage guide to understand how to use our APIs.

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// Get the samples from
// Run the sample:
// mvn -f pom.xml exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.adobe.pdfservices.operation.samples.deletepages.DeletePDFPages
public class DeletePDFPages {
// Initialize the logger.
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DeletePDFPages.class);
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (InputStream inputStream = Files.newInputStream(new File("src/main/resources/deletePagesInput.pdf").toPath())) {
// Initial setup, create credentials instance
Credentials credentials = new ServicePrincipalCredentials(
// Creates a PDF Services instance
PDFServices pdfServices = new PDFServices(credentials);
// Creates an asset(s) from source file(s) and upload
Asset asset = pdfServices.upload(inputStream, PDFServicesMediaType.PDF.getMediaType());
// Delete pages of the document (as specified by PageRanges).
PageRanges pageRangeForDeletion = getPageRangeForDeletion();
// Create parameters for the job
DeletePagesParams deletePagesParams = new DeletePagesParams(pageRangeForDeletion);
// Creates a new job instance
DeletePagesJob deletePagesJob = new DeletePagesJob(asset, deletePagesParams);
// Submit the job and gets the job result
String location = pdfServices.submit(deletePagesJob);
PDFServicesResponse<DeletePagesResult> pdfServicesResponse = pdfServices.getJobResult(location, DeletePagesResult.class);
// Get content from the resulting asset(s)
Asset resultAsset = pdfServicesResponse.getResult().getAsset();
StreamAsset streamAsset = pdfServices.getContent(resultAsset);
// Creates an output stream and copy stream asset's content to it
OutputStream outputStream = Files.newOutputStream(new File("output/deletePagesOutput.pdf").toPath());"Saving asset at output/deletePagesOutput.pdf");
IOUtils.copy(streamAsset.getInputStream(), outputStream);
} catch (IOException | ServiceApiException | SDKException | ServiceUsageException e) {
LOGGER.error("Exception encountered while executing operation", e);
private static PageRanges getPageRangeForDeletion() {
// Specify pages for deletion
PageRanges pageRangeForDeletion = new PageRanges();
// Add page 1
// Add pages 3 to 4
pageRangeForDeletion.addRange(3, 4);
return pageRangeForDeletion;