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How Tos

The samples and documentation here should get you quickly up and running with the PDF Services SDK. These code examples illustrate how to perform PDF actions using the SDK, including:

  • Creating a PDF from multiple formats, including HTML, Microsoft Office documents, and text files
  • Exporting a PDF to other formats or an image
  • Combining entire PDFs or specified page ranges
  • Using OCR to make a PDF file searchable with a custom locale
  • Compress PDFs with compression level and Linearize PDFs
  • Protect PDFs with password(s) and Remove password protection from PDFs
  • Common page operations, including inserting, replacing, deleting, reordering, and rotating
  • Splitting PDFs into multiple files
  • Extract PDF as JSON: the content, structure & renditions of table and figure elements along with Character Bounding Boxes
  • Get the properties of a PDF file like page count, PDF version, file size, compliance levels, font info, permissions and more
  • Improving the accessibility of PDFs (Available under Early Access Program)

Proxy Server Configuration

The JAVA SDK enables to connect to API calls through Proxy via Client Configurations. It allows the clients to use SDK within the network where all outgoing calls have to go through a proxy and allowed only if allow-listed on the proxy. Please refer the following sample for details.

Java Proxy Server configuration

Available properties:

  • proxyHost: The proxy Server Hostname (DNS or IP Address)
  • proxyScheme: Default: http. Scheme of the proxy server i.e. http or https.
  • proxyPort: Default: 80 for http, 443 for https. Port on which proxy server is listening.

Configure the Proxy Server via a custom ClientConfig class:

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1ClientConfig clientConfig = ClientConfig.builder()
2 .withProxyScheme(ClientConfig.ProxyScheme.HTTPS)
3 .withProxyHost("PROXY_HOSTNAME")
4 .withProxyPort(443)
5 .build();

Custom timeout configuration

The APIs use inferred timeout properties and provide defaults. However, the SDK supports custom timeouts for the API calls. You can tailor the timeout settings for your environment and network speed. In addition to the details below, you can refer to working code samples:

Java timeout configuration

Available properties:

  • connectTimeout: Default: 2000. The maximum allowed time in milliseconds for creating an initial HTTPS connection.
  • socketTimeout: Default: 10000. The maximum allowed time in milliseconds between two successive HTTP response packets.

Override the timeout properties via a custom ClientConfig class:

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1ClientConfig clientConfig = ClientConfig.builder()
2 .withConnectTimeout(3000)
3 .withSocketTimeout(20000)
4 .build();

.NET timeout configuration

Available properties:

  • timeout: Default: 400000. The maximum allowed time in milliseconds for establishing a connection, sending a request, and getting a response.
  • readWriteTimeout: Default: 10000. The maximum allowed time in milliseconds to read or write data after connection is established.

Override the timeout properties via a custom ClientConfig class:

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1ClientConfig clientConfig = ClientConfig.ConfigBuilder()
2 .timeout(500000)
3 .readWriteTimeout(15000)
4 .Build();

Node.js timeout configuration

Available properties:

  • connectTimeout: Default: 10000. The maximum allowed time in milliseconds for creating an initial HTTPS connection.
  • readTimeout: Default: 10000. The maximum allowed time in milliseconds between two successive HTTP response packets.

Override the timeout properties via a custom ClientConfig class:

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1const clientConfig = PDFServicesSdk.ClientConfig
2 .clientConfigBuilder()
3 .withConnectTimeout(15000)
4 .withReadTimeout(15000)
5 .build();

Python timeout configuration

Available properties:

  • connectTimeout: Default: 4000. The number of milliseconds Requests will wait for the client to establish a connection to Server.
  • readTimeout: Default: 10000. The number of milliseconds the client will wait for the server to send a response.

Override the timeout properties via a custom ClientConfig class:

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1client_config = ClientConfig.builder()
2 .with_connect_timeout(10000)
3 .with_read_timeout(40000)
4 .build()
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