
Adobe Analytics

If your organization already subscribes to Adobe Analytics, rich PDF analytics is yours by default. You should use Analytics as you normally would; however, there are a few setup steps required to correctly map the incoming data to Adobe Analytics variables.

Set up the PDF Viewer

Since you want to track user interaction with the PDF viewer, you need to make sure events appear in the correct report suites. To automatically receive PDF analytics events, pass the Analytics report suite ID when creating the AdobeDC.View instance. You must ensure that Adobe Analytics is instrumented using the same reportSuiteId for the website where you are embedding the PDF Viewer.

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var adobeDCView = new AdobeDC.View({
clientId: "<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>",
divId: "adobe-dc-view"
reportSuiteId: "<YOUR_Adobe_Analytics_REPORT_SUITE ID>",

Find the code sample for Adobe Analytics integration in PDF Embed API here under /More Samples/Analytics/Adobe Analytics.

Configure Adobe Analytics

The current release requires a few configuration steps to correctly map PDF Embed API data collected from your PDF viewer to your report suite. Once you've logged in to Analytics, do the following:

Once you've logged in to Analytics, do the following:

  1. In the top menu, go to Admin > Report Suites.
  2. Select your report suite.

Selecting Site Title as DC SDK PDF Viewer Metrics in AEM Suite

  1. Navigate to the Report Suite Manager.
  2. Highlight your report suite.
  3. Choose Edit Settings > General > Processing Rules.

Selecting Processing Rules from AEM Edit Settings Menu

  1. Click the Processing Rules tab. You'll need to create two rules and configure them so that you can map collected events and event attributes to Analytics variables.

Setting up AEM Processing Rules on event dimensions and events

Mapping event attibutes

You'll need to create a new rule and map event attributes sent by the PDF Embed API to an Adobe Analytics variable. For example, an event attribute might be something like a page number or title. There could be many events with the same attribute (one for each event happening on a specific page). The following attributes eventually become dimensions in your reports:

  • a.dc.searchTerm
  • a.action
  • a.dc.pageNum
  • a.dc.filename

Map event attributes as follows:

  1. Choose Add Rule.
  2. Add a custom rule title such as "Event Dimensions".
  3. Choose Add Action until you have four (one for each attribute above).
  4. Select an item (event attribute) from the With drop down list (one of those above).
  5. Select an Analytics dimension variable from the drop down list on the left.
  6. The left hand columns should remain set to "Overwrite value of".
  7. Repeat the above steps for each incoming event attribute you track.

AEM Dim Map with dimension variable and incoming event attribute field set

Mapping events

Create another new rule and map events sent by the PDF Embed API to an Adobe Analytics variable. Note that Analytics uses "metrics" and "events" interchangeably. An event is any user interaction your JavaScript event listener captures; for example, clicking on a button or commenting on a PDF. The following events eventually become metrics displayed in your reports:

  • a.dc.zoomLevel
  • a.dc.loadPDF
  • a.dc.viewPage
  • a.dc.bookmarkClicked
  • a.dc.copyText
  • a.dc.print

Map events as follows:

  1. Choose Add Rule.
  2. Add a custom rule title such as "Events".
  3. Choose Add Action until you have eight (one for each attribute above).
  4. Select a metric (an event) from the To drop down list (one of those above).
  5. Select an Analytics event variable from the drop down list on the left.
  6. The left hand column should remain set to "Set event".
  7. Repeat the above steps for each metric (incoming event).

AEM Section 3 with event variable and incoming event attribute field set

Viewing your data

Set up your reporting as usual, and view the dimensions and metrics in your workspace.

AEM Report with number of page views metric

Help, support, forum

For more detail about using this Adobe Analytics UI, refer to the help docs. You can also ask questions and get help here:

Google Analytics

If your website is already integrated with Google Analytics, you can collect PDF analytics from PDF Embed API in Google Analytics with a few simple setup steps.

Set up the PDF Viewer

Since you want to track user interaction with the PDF viewer, you need to make sure events appear in the correct Google Analytics property. To automatically receive PDF analytics events, pass the Google Analytics 4 measurement ID when creating the AdobeDC.View instance. You must ensure that Google Analytics is instrumented using the same  measurement ID for the website where you are embedding the PDF Viewer.

Copied to your clipboard
var adobeDCView = new AdobeDC.View({
clientId: "<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>",
divId: "adobe-dc-view"
measurementId: "<YOUR_GA4_MEASUREMENT ID>",

Following PDF analytics will be tracked:

Event actionEvent descriptionEvent data
Load PDF
On successful opening of PDF.
File name
Page View
Page information on change in page(s) in view
Page number, File name
Bookmark Click
On clicking on any bookmark item
File name
When the PDF is downloaded
File name
When the PDF is printed
File name
Hyperlink Open
On clicking any external hyperlink in the PDF
File name
Text Copy
On copying any text from a PDF.
File name
When the user searches for any text via the document search field
Searched text, file name
Change Zoom
When zoom in/out actions are performed on the PDF toolbar
Zoom level, File name

Find the code sample for Google Analytics integration in PDF Embed API here under /More Samples/Analytics/Google Analytics.

Configure Google Analytics

The current release requires a few configuration steps to correctly map PDF Embed API data collected from your PDF viewer to Google Analytics.

Custom Dimensions

You need to set up some custom dimensions in the Google Analytics 4 property, that will map to the attributes which are part of the event data sent by PDF Embed API.

Once you've logged in to Google Analytics, do the following:

  1. From the top bar, select the Google Analytics 4 property which contains your measurement ID.
  2. Click Custom definitions under Configure (in the left navigation pane).
  3. Click Create custom dimensions.

Configure in GA4

  1. Enter Dimension name.

  2. Set the scope as Event.

  3. Enter a  description for this custom dimension.

  4. Enter the name of the event attribute sent from PDF Embed API. Custom dimensions need to be created for these event attributes: filename, pageNum, searchTerm and zoomLevel.

  5. Click Save. (Note: You will see a value of "Not set" for a custom dimension during the first 48 hours. )

  6. You need to set up four custom dimensions, as follows:

  • File Name
  • Page Number
  • Search Term, and,
  • Zoom Level
  1. Map these custom dimensions with the correct event attributes sent from PDF Embed API, as shown in the table below:
Dimension nameScopeUser property/parameter
File name
Page number
Search term
Zoom level

Configure in GA4

Viewing your data in Google Analytics 4

Once you start receiving PDF analytics in Google Analytics 4, set up your reporting as usual and view the dimensions and metrics in your workspace.

Creating a sample exploration to track page views

You can set up reports for different dimensions and metrics and view the data. This example below creates a sample exploration to track page views in the PDF.

  1. Select Explore from the left navigation pane and click the plus sign to create a new blank report.
  2. Select a custom timeline.
  3. Select Line Chart from the Visualisation.
  4. Drag and drop Event Name from Dimensions in Breakdowns.
  5. Remove Active Count from Values.
  6. Drag and drop Event Count from Metrics in Values.
  7. Go to Filters and select Event Name.
  8. Select match type 'contains' and enter 'Page View' in expression. 
  9. Click Apply.

View sample exploration in GA4

Control analytics collection

If your website is already integrated with analytics tools such as Adobe Analytics or Google Analytics, then you can collect PDF analytics with few additional setup steps. To know more about the setup steps, see the sections Adobe Analytics and Google Analytics.

The sendAutoPDFAnalytics configuration controls the PDF analytics collection in these tools. The default value of sendAutoPDFAnalytics is true. Set this configuration to false if you would like to disable PDF analytics collection.

Copied to your clipboard
var adobeDCView = new AdobeDC.View({
clientId: "<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>",
divId: "adobe-dc-view"
sendAutoPDFAnalytics: false,

Default analytics

If you are not subscribed to Adobe Analytics or Google Analytics, you can still collect PDF analytics events as users interact with PDFs. You enable PDF analytics events by registering a callback with the API to listen the events. Tracking PDF events provides insight into user actions and thereby helps you manage and evolve the PDF experience you're delivering to customers.

As always, initialize the AdobeDC.View object with your client ID, and then invoke the previewFile API on AdobeDC.View object as usual. Finally, register the callback to receive the events and set enablePDFAnalytics to true:

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const eventOptions = {
//Pass the PDF analytics events to receive.
//If no event is passed in listenOn, then all PDF analytics events will be received.
listenOn: [ AdobeDC.View.Enum.PDFAnalyticsEvents.PAGE_VIEW, AdobeDC.View.Enum.PDFAnalyticsEvents.DOCUMENT_DOWNLOAD],
enablePDFAnalytics: true
function(event) {
console.log("Type " + event.type);
console.log("Data " +;
}, eventOptions

Find the working example in the samples repo under /More Samples/Capture PDF Embed API Events/.

Supported analytics events

Event typeEvent descriptionEvent data
On successful opening of PDF.
{fileName: <FILE_NAME>}
Page information on change in page(s) in view
{pageNumber: <PAGE_NUM>, fileName: <FILE_NAME>}
On clicking on any bookmark item
{title: <BOOKMARK_TITLE>, fileName: <FILE_NAME>}
When the PDF is downloaded
{fileName: <FILE_NAME>}
When the PDF is printed
{printSupported: true, fileName: <FILE_NAME>}
On clicking any external hyperlink in the PDF
{type: “external”, pageNumber: <PAGE_NUM>, x: <X-coordinate of the link>, y: <Y-coordinate of the link>, url: <EXTERNAL_URL>}
On copying any text from a PDF. Note that the TEXT_COPY event only fires for PDF files that allow text copy; for example, secured and encrypted files do not allow copying text.
{copiedText: <COPIED_TEXT>, fileName: <FILE_NAME>}
When the user searches for any text via the document search field
{searchedText: <SEARCHED_TEXT>, fileName: <FILE_NAME>}
When zoom in/out actions are performed from the page control toolbar
{zoomLevel: <ZOOM_LEVEL>, fileName: <FILE_NAME>}

Basic events

In addition to the PDF analytics events, the PDF Embed API supports events which provide insight into user actions taken related to file preview. These events can be received through the events callback. After registering the events callback, the following file preview events are generated:

Event typeEvent descriptionEvent data
When the PDF starts to render in the viewer.
When the first page of the PDF is displayed in the viewer..
When the PDF fails to render because of an unexpected error.
When the PDF viewer opens.
When the PDF viewer closes.
When the PDF is rendered completely and the PDF viewer is ready to perform functionalities, such as annotations and form-filling. This event is especially useful in case of linearized PDFs to check when the PDF gets fully downloaded. To know more about linearization, see the section PDF Linearization.

In order to receive additional file preview events, set enableFilePreviewEvents to true and pass it to the events callback. To receive specific events, pass the list of event types in the listenOn parameter. If nothing is passed to listenOn, then the API returns all the file preview events.

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const eventOptions = {
//Pass the events to receive.
//If no event is passed in listenOn, then all file preview events will be received.
listenOn: [ AdobeDC.View.Enum.Events.APP_RENDERING_START, AdobeDC.View.Enum.FilePreviewEvents.PREVIEW_KEY_DOWN, AdobeDC.View.Enum.FilePreviewEvents.PREVIEW_PAGE_VIEW_SCROLLED ],
enableFilePreviewEvents: true
function(event) {
}, eventOptions

List of file preview events

Event typeEvent descriptionEvent data
Any keyboard key is pressed over any PDF page.
{ altKey: <BOOLEAN>, code: <KEY_VALUE>, composed: <BOOLEAN>, ctrlKey: <BOOLEAN>, key: <KEYBOARD_CHARACTER>, keyCode: <KEY_CODE>, location: <LOCATION>, metaKey: <BOOLEAN>, shiftKey: <BOOLEAN>, type: “keydown” }
The PDF page is scrolled.
{ clientHeight: <CLIENT_HEIGHT>, clientWidth: <CLIENT_WIDTH>, scrollHeight: <SCROLL_HEIGHT>, scrollWidth: <SCROLL_WIDTH>, scrollLeft: <SCROLL_LEFT>, scrollTop: <SCROLL_TOP> }
A user clicks on the area in the webpage which is outside the PDF preview (excluding the top bar and right-hand panel).
{ clientX: <CLIENT_WIDTH>, clientY: <CLIENT_HEIGHT>, pageX: <PAGE_WIDTH>, pageY: <PAGE_HEIGHT>, screenX: <SCREEN_WIDTH>, screenY: <SCREEN_HEIGHT> }
A user clicks on any PDF page.
{ pageNumber: <PAGE_NUMBER> }
A user double-clicks on any PDF page.
{ pageNumber: <PAGE_NUMBER> }
The mouse pointer enters any PDF page.
{ pageNumber: <PAGE_NUMBER> }
The mouse pointer leaves any PDF page.
{ pageNumber: <PAGE_NUMBER> }
Returns the page number of the current page in view.
{ pageNumber: <PAGE_NUMBER> }
Any text is selected in the PDF.
{ startPageNumber: <PAGE_NUMBER>, endPageNumber: <PAGE_NUMBER>, newSelection: <BOOLEAN>, selections: { page<PAGE_NUMBER>: { bbox0: { deviceBottom: <Ymin-coordinate>, deviceLeft: <Xmin-coordinate>, deviceRight: <Xmax-coordinate>, deviceTop: <Ymax-coordinate> }, bbox1: {…}, bbox2: {…}, …, bboxCount: <BBOX_COUNT> }} }
A zoom operation is applied to any PDF page.
The page in view changes to a different page through scrolling or page navigation.
{ startPage: { pageNumber: <PAGE_NUMBER>, fractionVisible <PAGE_VISIBLE_FRACTION> }, endPage: { pageNumber: <PAGE_NUMBER>, fractionVisible <PAGE_VISIBLE_FRACTION> }}
When user tries to use an unsupported feature in PDF Embed API. The event data provides information about the type of unsupported feature in the featureName field and relevant metadata of PDF in the data field. For example, XFA form fields are not supported in PDF Embed API and this event is generated when a user tries to fill any such form field.
{ featureName: <FEATURE_NAME>, data: {hasJS: <BOOLEAN>, hasUnsupportedActions: <BOOLEAN, hasUnsupportedWidget: <BOOLEAN>, hasXFA: <BOOLEAN> }}

Annotation events

Web developers can receive events when a user interacts with an annotation. These events are generated for annotation actions performed through the UI.

To register the events callback, set enableAnnotationEvents to true and pass it to the callback. To receive specific events, pass the list of annotation event types in the listenOn parameter. If nothing is passed to listenOn, then the API returns all the annotation events.

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const eventOptions = {
//Pass the events to receive.
//If no event is passed in listenOn, then all annotation events will be received.
listenOn: [ AdobeDC.View.Enum.AnnotationEvents.ANNOTATION_ADDED, AdobeDC.View.Enum.AnnotationEvents.ANNOTATION_UPDATED ],
enableAnnotationEvents: true
function(event) {
}, eventOptions

List of annotation events

Event typeEvent descriptionEvent data
A new annotation is added to PDF.
An existing annotation is clicked.
An existing annotation is updated.
An annotation is deleted.
The cursor moves over any annotation.
The cursor moves out of any annotation.
Any existing annotation is selected.
A selected annotation is unselected
The user selects a particular annotation type from the toolbar.
A user exits any previously selected annotation mode.
Denotes the total number of annotations when any new annotation is added or any existing annotation is deleted.