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Template Tags

This section describes all the template tags that can be used to author a document template. During the Document Generation Process , the Document Generation API replaces the template tags in the document template with the input data to generate the output document.

Placeholder Variables

A placeholder(text tags) gets replaced by the actual input data.

How to insert Placeholder Variables

JSON representation of the input data:

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"accountName": "Kane Miller",
"accountNumber": "8324e015-6400",
"address" : {
"street": "123 ABC Street",
"state": "LA",
"zip": "9XXXX"
"doctor" : "John Doe"


Placeholder variables get replaced with the actual input data.

Placeholder tags being replaced by values

Default Value

A default value can be specified for the placeholder variable. In case the specified tag is not present in the input json data, the placeholder gets replaced with the default value.

Placeholder tags with default value set


Setting placeholder variable as optional will replace the placeholder with an empty string in case the specified variable is not present in the input data.

Placeholder tags with optional image set


A prefix value can be specified for the placeholder variable. Doing so will append this value before the result of the tag.

Placeholder tags with prefix image set


To work with arrays, please refer to the JSONata Functions section.

JSON representation of the input data:

Copied to your clipboard
"companyName": "Tech Corp",
"discountCoupons": ["SummerSale", "BlackFriday", "NewYearSpecial"]



To dynamically insert an image in the document, add any image as placeholder and edit the alt text as per the defined format:

How to insert Images

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"location-path": "logo",
"image-props": {
"alt-text": "This is an alt-text for the image placeholder"

The properties defined in the format specifies the location-path and the alt-text.

The location-path specifies the location of image in the input data.

Alternative text for the image can be provided using the alt-text property as defined in the format.

JSON representation of the input data:

Image data can be provided either in the form of the base64 encoded string or in the form of publicly accessible URLs.

Copied to your clipboard
"logo": ""


Copied to your clipboard
"logo": "https://documentcloud.adobe.com/dc-docgen-app/assets/dc_icon.png"

Add the image placeholder.

Initial rendering of the image tag

Add the alt text to the image as per the specified format.

Adding alternative text for the image

The image placeholder will be replaced by the image data in the output document.

Image placeholder replaced by the image data


Show or hide content in the document based on the conditions.

How to insert Conditional Tags

JSON representation of the input data:

Copied to your clipboard
"state": "CA"

Conditional Sections

Show or hide paragraphs based on conditions.

Showing an paragraph based on a condition

Conditional Phrases

Show or hide text inside a paragraph based on conditions.

Showing a text inside a paragraph based on a condition

Footnote Phrases

Add footnotes in the document using input JSON data.

JSON representation of the input data:

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"vitaminSources": "Fruits, whole grains, and leafy vegetables."


Add superscript annotations and insert corresponding footnotes at the end of the page.

Showing an phrase having footnote


Insert Table using <table> HTML Element

Add tables in the document through json data using <table> tag.

JSON representation of the input data:

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"Table_Data": "<table border='1' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' style='width:30%'><tr><th>Name</th><th>Age</th><th>Gender</th></tr><tr><td>Sheldon</td><td>29</td><td>Male</td></tr><tr><td>Leonard</td><td>30</td><td>Male</td></tr><tr><td>Howard</td><td>28</td><td>Male</td></tr><tr><td>Raj</td><td>29</td><td>Male</td></tr></table>"


Placeholder tag is replaced by a table generated using the html string provided in the input json. Sample for HTML Table insertion

Insert Table using table markers

Table tags can also inserted in a document using table markers. Please refer Table Tag with Markers to learn more about the usage of table markers.

Insert Table using Placeholder Table Tag

DEPRECATED (Please use Table Tag with Markers)

Rows of a table can be dynamically populated by repeating over an array of objects from the input data.

How to insert Tables

JSON representation of the input data:

Copied to your clipboard
"subscriptions": [
"name": "Adobe Document API",
"price": "99",
"quantity": "1",
"amount": "99"
"name": "Adobe Marketing API",
"price": "199",
"quantity": "2",
"amount": "398"


Create a table with requisite column headers. Add a row to the table and place the template tags referring to the properties of the objects in the array inside the row under the required column headings.

The template tag should indicate the name of the array followed by the property name of the objects in the array. {{subscriptions.name}} illustrates one such template tag where subscriptions refer to the array of objects while name refers to the property of one such object in the array.

Table created with column headers and template tags for each subsequent rows

Table rows are dynamically populated in the output document by repeating over the specified array of objects.

Table with template tags replaced with actual values in the rows


Insert List using <ul> and <ol> HTML Elements

Add lists in the document through JSON data using <ul> (unordered list) and <ol> (ordered list) tags.

Simple Lists

JSON representation of the input data:

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"List_Data": "<ul><li>Coffee</li><li>Tea</li><li>Milk</li></ul>"

Placeholder tag is replaced by a list generated using the html string provided in the input json.

Sample for HTML Table insertion

Nested Lists

JSON representation of the input data:

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"List_Data": "<ol><li>Level 1</li><li>Level 1<ol><li>Level 2</li><li>Level 2<ol><li>Level 3</li><li>Level 3</li></ol></li></ol></li></ol>"

Placeholder tag is replaced by a list generated using the html string provided in the input json.

Sample for HTML Table insertion

Example of list marker customization

JSON representation of the input data:

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"List_Data": "<ol style = \" list-style-type : upper-roman; \"><li>Coffee</li><li>Tea</li><li>Milk</li></ol>"

Placeholder tag is replaced by a list generated using the html string provided in the input json.

Sample for HTML Table insertion

Insert Lists using Repeating Sections

Dynamically generate numbered or bullet lists by repeating over a list.

How to insert Lists

JSON representation of the input data:

Copied to your clipboard
"products": [
"productName": "Adobe Photoshop"
"productName": "Adobe Premiere Pro"
"productName": "Adobe InDesign"

Numbered Lists

Dynamically generate a numbered list by placing it inside a repeating section.

Template tag items are replaced by numbered list

Bullet Lists

Dynamically generate a bullet list by placing it inside a repeating section.

Template tag items are replaced by bullet list

Simple Lists

JSON representation of the input data in case of simple lists:

Copied to your clipboard
"products": ["Adobe Photoshop", "Adobe Premiere Pro", "Adobe InDesign"]

Dynamically generate a numbered or bullet list by placing it inside a repeating section.

Template tag items are replaced by numbered or bullet list

Numerical Calculations

Performing numerical calculations on the input data.

How to insert Numerical Calculations

All calculations supported are JSONata compliant.

JSON representation of the input data:

Copied to your clipboard
"revenue": "1000",
"expenditure": "650",
"subscriptions": [
"description": "Adobe Photoshop",
"licenses": "1"
"description": "Adobe Premiere Pro",
"licenses": "2"
"description": "Adobe InDesign",
"licenses": "1"


Performs simple arithmetic operations.

Performing simple arithmetic to show revenue-expenditure


Performs aggregations on a list of elements.

Performing simple arithmetic to show aggregation

JSONata Functions

The Document Generation API supports various JSONata functions, including:

It is recommended to test these functions before incorporating them into your template.

Adobe Sign

Adobe Sign text tags can be placed anywhere within the contents of the document template.

These tags are converted into Adobe Sign form fields when the final document is sent for a signature using Adobe Sign.

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