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Asking the user for confirmation

There are many times when a plugin will need to ask the user whether or not it should proceed with a given course of action. This tutorial will show you an easy way to get user confirmation before proceeding with a task.

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Development Steps

Info Complete code for this plugin can be found on GitHub.

1. Prepare your manifest.json file

First, edit the manifest file for the plugin you created in our Quick Start Tutorial.

Replace the uiEntryPoints field of the manifest with the following:

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1"uiEntryPoints": [
2 {
3 "type": "menu",
4 "label": "Confirmation",
5 "commandId": "showConfirm"
6 }

If you're curious about what each entry means, see the manifest documentation, where you can also learn about all manifest requirements for a plugin to be published in the XD Plugin Manager.

2. Add the "plugin helpers" library

Creating dialogs can take a lot of boilerplate code, but we've created a small library that makes it simple to display simple dialogs in the form of a "helper" library. This library is located at https://github.com/AdobeXD/plugin-toolkit.

To add the library to your project, you can:

  • Click the "Clone or Download" button on the right side of the page
  • Uncompress the zip file after the download completes
  • Copy the lib folder to your plugin project

3. Require the dialogs module in main.js

Add the following to your main.js:

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const { confirm } = require("./lib/dialogs.js");

This will import a confirm function that we can call to display a confirmation dialog.

4. Create a function to display the confirmation

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1async function showConfirm() {
2 /* we'll display a dialog here */

Next, inside this function, we call confirm to actually show the confirmation dialog. confirm takes three arguments:

  1. The dialog's title
  2. The text you want to display to the user in the dialog's body
  3. The two buttons from which you want the user to choose (A confirmation dialog can only have two buttons)

Let's see what that looks like in code:

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1const feedback = await confirm(
2 "Enable Smart Filters?", //[1]
3 "Smart filters are nondestructive and will preserve your original images.", //[2]
4 ["Cancel", "Enable"] /*[3]*/

Note that the third argument is an array of strings. These identify the names of the two buttons that will display in the confirmation dialog. These are given in the order they would appear on a macOS machine, which means that the "cancel" or negative button is listed first, and the "ok" or acceptance button is listed last.

5. React to which button was pressed

When the dialog is closed, some useful information about which button was pressed will be provided. You can access this using the which property on the feedback variable (return value from confirm).

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1switch (feedback.which) {
2 case 0:
3 /* User canceled */
4 break;
5 case 1:
6 /* User clicked Enable */
7 break;

As you can see, the value of which maps to the buttons as specified when calling confirm. So 0 is the "Cancel" button and 1 is the "Enable" button.

6. Create the menu handler

We need to export a menu handler from the main.js file so that XD knows what to do with our plugin:

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1module.exports = {
2 commands: {
3 showConfirm,
4 },

Make sure to your commands match the manifest's commandIds written in the first step.

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