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Search API reference

You can query Adobe Stock for assets that meet your specified search criteria. You can filter the results, specify the sort order in which the results are returned, and choose how many assets to return for each page of results.

Search requests

A request using the Stock Search API retrieves a list of assets from Adobe Stock that matches a set of search and filter values. A maximum of 64 assets can be returned from one request. This is a paginated interface that you can call multiple times to retrieve the full list.

For a guide to usage and additional examples, see Creating Adobe Stock applications.

GET, POST (only when using the similar_image parameter)

About search and filter criteria

Search commands have three formats:

  1. Search parameters. In general, search parameters identify asset information for values that cannot be predetermined, such as ID numbers or keywords. Parameters for searches look like this:


    For example:

    search_parameters[words]=dog big happy

    Search parameters are treated as AND. For example, you could combine [words] and [creator_id] to search for assets created by a specific creator that have the specified keywords.

    search_parameters[words]=dog big happy&search_parameters[creator_id]=12345

    Tip: You must specify at least one search_parameters value for each Search.

  2. Filtering values. These optional qualifiers specify which of the found assets to return. In general, filters identify asset information that has a known set of values, such as true/false or file type. Parameters for filtering look like this:

    search_parameters[filters][{FILTER NAME}]={VALUE}

    For example:


    You can specify multiple filtering values for content_type, template_type_id, and template_category_id; search returns assets that match any of those values. The remaining filters are treated as AND.

  3. Response control. In addition to the filter and search mechanisms above, search queries by default return a fixed number of fields. To increase or decrease the scope of the response data, add one or more result_columns[] to the query. For example, using ?result_columns[]=id by itself will return only content IDs.

Copied to your clipboard
2 "id": 108289885
5 "id": 173919253

Chain together multiple result_columns[] commands to get exactly the results you want.

Copied to your clipboard
Copied to your clipboard
2 "id": 108289885,
3 "title": "Vector illustration of colorful horse, unicorn, or pony.",
4 "thumbnail_url": "https://as1.ftcdn.net/jpg/01/08/28/98/500_F_108289885_zxdW0u0ds2oI69ZiLaON3kfhM2OLxdin.jpg"
7 "id": 173919253,
8 "title": "Isolated cute watercolor unicorn clipart. Nursery unicorns illustration. Princess rainbow unicorns poster. Trendy pink cartoon horse.",
9 "thumbnail_url": "https://as1.ftcdn.net/jpg/01/73/91/92/500_F_173919253_ivNTXG10bJKxSPRkxiAeaZZOjaWr5SBe.jpg"

See Responses, below.


An Authorization header is not required. If you do not pass a valid bearer token in the Authorization header, you can search within Adobe Stock and access preview versions of assets, but the API will not return licensing requirements or give you the licensed status for the assets. Requests made in this way are essentially anonymous, with no notion of the user making the request.

If you do pass a valid token, then the Adobe Stock service returns the license state and licensed URL for each asset. See API authentication.

Request headers

See API authentication and Headers for Stock API calls for details about header content.

  • Required headers: x-Product, x-api-key
  • Optional headers: Authorization (required to view license state), X-Request-Id

URL parameters

Pass the following URL parameters with the GET request.

Tip: The only required parameter is at least one search_parameters[].

Location language code. String. Default is en_US. This command is crucial for relevant localized search results. See Locale codes reference.
Keyword search. Space-separated list of keywords. String. Words can also be individual media identifiers (media_id), for example:search_parameters[words]=71182279
Maximum number of assets to return in the call. Valid values are 1 through 64. Default is 32. String. Call repeatedly with different [offset] values to page through the found assets. Tip:The number of images returned in each call can vary, but never exceeds 64 entries. See the note below for search_parameters[filters][premium] and refer to the FAQ question, Why are there more search results returned than the 'limit' value?
Start position in query. Valid values are 0 (the first found asset) or higher integers. With each successive call for your search, increment this by the [limit] value to get the next page of assets. For example, by default your first call uses a 0 offset and limit of 32 to return the first 32 found assets. Call this API again with an offset of 32 to retrieve the next page. Integer. Default is 0.
Sort order in which to return found assets. Default is "relevance". String. Valid strings and their meanings:
  • relevance
    How closely it matches your search request, closest matches first.
  • creation
    Creation date in descending order (newest first).
  • featured
    Attempts to display the highest quality content first, as scored by Adobe Sensei's machine learning algorithms. In practice, it performs best on lifestyle imagery.
  • nb_downloads
    In descending order by the number of downloads by all users since the asset was added to Adobe Stock.
  • undiscovered
    Starting with assets that have not commonly been viewed or downloaded.
Search by a specific asset creator's ID. Integer.
Search for one specific asset by its unique identifier (media_id). Integer.
Search for all assets that contain the same model as shown in this media ID. Integer.
Search for all assets grouped in the same series as this media ID. Integer.
Search for assets that are similar in appearance to an asset with a specific media ID. Integer. For example:search_parameters[similar]=99338
Search for assets that are similar in appearance to an image at a specific URL. String. For example:search_parameters[similar_url]=https://my.site/cutedog.jpg
Whether to use similar_image data for visual similarity search. Integer.0 | 1 (if using image data).
Image data to use when searching for visually similar assets. Must also specify:search_parameters[similar_image]=1Supported in POST only. Valid image data is for JPG, PNG, or GIF files. Use multipart/form-data. Ignored if search_parameters[similar_url] is specified.
Search for assets with a specific category ID. Integer. For example, to search for assets in the category "travel":search_parameters[category]=1043For more information see the CategoryTree API reference.
Thumbnail size in pixels. Specify the size of thumbnail to return for each found asset. Integer. Valid values and meanings:
  • 110: Small (110 px)
  • 160: Medium (160 px)
  • 220: Medium-Large (220 px)
  • 240: Large (240 px)
  • 500: Extra large (XL) (500 px). Returned with watermark. (default)
  • 1000: Extra-extra large (XXL) (1000 px). Returned with watermark.
Image sizes in megapixels (millions of pixels) to return, specified as a range in the format min-max.
min and max are both optional and default to open ranges. Values must be (whole) integers.

Search for an image that has a minimum pixel area of 4000x2500 (10Mpix) and maximum area of 5000x5000 (25Mpix):

Search for an image that has a minimum area size of 4000x5000 pixels (20Mpix).

Asset width specified as a range of pixels in the format min-max.
min andmax are both optional and default to open ranges.

Only include images with a width of at least 5000 pixels
OR search_parameters[filters][image_width]=5000

Asset height specified as a range of pixels in the format min-max.
min andmax are both optional and default to open ranges.

Only include images with a height between 2000-4000 pixels

Only include images with a max height of 3000 pixels

Whether to return Premium assets or not. Possible values:
  • false: only return assets with a premium level of either 0 (core) or 1 (free).
  • true: only return assets with a premium level > 1.
  • all: Return everything. String.

Strongly recommend always setting this parameter to one of its three values, as it works around an issue where more assets can be returned than set in the search_parameters[limit]parameter, which can throw off pagination. See the FAQ, Why are there more search results returned than the 'limit' value?

A multiple-value array specifying which 3D types to return. Valid values and meanings:
  • 1: Models
  • 2: Lights
  • 3: Materials
Return found templates (starter files) for PSD or AI only if they are of the specified type. A multiple-value array specifying which template types to return. Valid values and meanings:
  • 1: Photoshop PSDT
  • 2: Illustrator AIT
  • 3: Indesign INDT
  • 4: Premiere Pro Motion Graphics Template
  • 5: After Effects Motion Graphics Template
For example:search_parameters[filters][template_type_id][]=2 &search_parameters[filters][template_type_id][]=3
Return found assets only if the asset has model or property releases. String. Valid values and meanings:
  • true: Return only assets with releases.
  • false: Return only assets without releases.
  • all: (Default.) Return assets regardless of release status.
Include found assets that are photos. Integer.
0 | 1
Include found assets that are illustrations. Integer.
0 | 1
Include found assets that are vectors. Integer.
0 | 1
Include found assets that are videos. Integer.
0 | 1
Include found assets that are templates. Integer.
0 | 1
Include found assets that are 3D items. Integer.
0 | 1
Return found assets only if they are flagged as including Explicit/Nudity/Violence. Integer.
  • 0: Default. Omit assets in this group.
  • 1: Return assets only if they are in this group.
Return found assets only if the subject is isolated from the background by being on a uniformly colored background. Integer.
  • 0: Default. Omit assets that are isolated.
  • 1: Return assets only if they are isolated.
Return found assets only if they are panoramic (can be combined with [orientation]). Integer.
  • 0: Default. Omit panoramic assets.
  • 1: Return assets only if they are panoramic.
Return found assets of the specified orientation. String. Valid values and meanings:
  • horizontal: Only horizontal images.
  • vertical: Only vertical images.
  • square: Only square images.
  • all: Default. All image orientations.
Return found videos whose duration is no longer than the specified duration in seconds. String. Valid values and meanings:
  • 10: Only videos up to 10 seconds.
  • 20: Only videos up to 20 seconds.
  • 30: Only videos up to 30 seconds.
  • 30-: Only videos longer than 30 seconds.
  • all: Default. Videos of all durations.
Comma-separated list of hexadecimal colors (without any # prefix). Return only found assets that contain the specified colors. String. Example:
Returns members of the specified Fotolia gallery, which must be public. Note this requires access to a Fotolia website user account. String.
Image copy space. Value all returns all the images (equivalent to not having the filter in the query); value 1 filters for images that have copy space. String.all | 1
Filter to return loop assets; applicable only to audio & video assets. Value 'all' returns all the audio/video assets; Value '1' or 'true' filters for audio/video asset that is a loop. Note: 'false' or '0' is not a valid option
  • 1
  • true
  • all
Filter PNG assets by transparency. When set, only PNG images with a transparent background are included. Value 'all' returns all the images (equivalent to not having the filter in the query); Value `1` or `true` filters for images that have transparency.
  • 1
  • true
  • all
Specific fields you wish to include in the search result, excluding all other fields. Array[]. For a detailed description of each field, see Responses, below.

Tip: To combine result columns, use this syntax:result_columns[]=is_licensed&result_columns[]=creation_date

Note 1: Fields marked with \* are returned by default, but if theresult_columns[] command is present, the default fields will not be returned unless explicitly included.
Note 2: is_licensed requires an authentication header.

\*nb_results | \*id | \*title | \*creator_name\*creator_id | country_name | \*width | \*height\*thumbnail_url | \*thumbnail_html_tag | \*thumbnail_width\*thumbnail_height | thumbnail_110_url | thumbnail_110_widththumbnail_110_height | thumbnail_160_url | thumbnail_160_widththumbnail_160_height | thumbnail_220_url | thumbnail_220_widththumbnail_220_height | thumbnail_240_url | thumbnail_240_widththumbnail_240_height | thumbnail_500_url | thumbnail_500_widththumbnail_500_height | thumbnail_1000_url | thumbnail_1000_widththumbnail_1000_height | \*media_type_id | \*category\*category_hierarchy | nb_views | nb_downloadscreation_datekeywords | has_releases | comp_url | comp_widthcomp_height | is_licensed | \*vector_type\*content_typeframerate | duration | comps | details_urltemplate_type_id | template_category_ids | marketing_textdescription | size_bytes | \*premium_level_idis_premiumis_loopis_transparentlicenses | video_preview_url | video_preview_widthvideo_preview_height | video_preview_content_lengthvideo_preview_content_type | video_small_preview_urlvideo_small_preview_width | video_small_preview_heightvideo_small_preview_content_length | video_small_preview_content_type


The Adobe Stock service returns information about all found assets that also match the filtering criteria.

Tip: Assets on Adobe Stock can be added, changed, or removed by other parties between your API calls. Therefore, the total number of matching assets and the selection of assets can change between successive calls to Search.

All responses are in a JSON array with this general structure:

Copied to your clipboard
2 "nb_results" : value,
3 "files": [
4 { details_for_first_file ...
5 field_name: value,
6 ...
7 },
8 { details_for_second_file ...
9 field_name: value,
10 ...
11 }
12 ]

Response fields

These are the fields returned either by default or by explicit use by the result_columns[] parameter.

Total number of found assets in the search result. Integer.
Asset's unique identifier. Integer.
Asset's title. String.
Unique identifier for the asset's creator. Integer.
Asset creator's name. String.
Date on which the asset was created. Date.
Country in which the asset's creator lives. String.
URL for the default-sized asset thumbnail. You can use this to display the thumbnail on your page using your preferred display method. Alternatively, use thumbnail_html_tag. String.
HTML <img> tag that you can use to display the default asset thumbnail. This is a convenience for displaying the thumbnail and references the thumbnail_url. String. Example:"thumbnail_html_tag": "<img src='https://thumbnail-url' alt='German Shepherd Dog Sticking Head Out Driving Car Window' />"
Thumbnail's width in pixels. Integer.
Thumbnail's height in pixels. Integer.
Width for the thumbnail of the requested size, where * is the thumbnail size in pixels. Float. For example:
"thumbnail_160_width": 200
Height for the thumbnail of the requested size, where * is the thumbnail size in pixels. Integer.
URL for the requested thumbnail size, where * is the thumbnail size in pixels. You can use this to display the thumbnail on your page using your preferred display method. Alternatively, usethumbnail_*_html_tag. String.
HTML <img> tag that you can use to display the thumbnail of the requested size, where where * is the thumbnail size in pixels. This is a convenience for displaying the thumbnail and references thethumbnail_*_url. String.
Width in pixels of the full-sized original asset. Integer.
Height in pixels of the full-sized original asset. Integer.
The Adobe Stock licensing state for the asset. String. Values and meaning:
  • Standard: License for the full-resolution asset
  • Extended: Extended license
  • Video_HD: Video HD license
  • Video_4K: Video 4K license
  • Standard_M: License for a medium-size asset approximately 1600x1200 pixels
  • "" (empty string): No license applies
URL to the watermarked version of the asset. String.
Width in pixels of the asset's complementary (unlicensed) image. Integer.
Height in pixels of the asset's complementary (unlicensed) image. Integer.
Total views of the asset by all users. Integer.
Total downloads of the asset by all users. Integer.
JSON structure with information about the category assigned to the asset."category": { "id": 0000,"name":"..." }

For example:

"category": { "id": 47, "name": "Dogs"}
Identifier for the category assigned to the asset. Integer.
Localized name of the asset's category. String.
List of localized keywords for the asset. Array.
Type of the asset. Integer.
  • 1: Photos
  • 2: Illustrations
  • 3: Vectors
  • 4: Videos
  • 6: 3D
  • 7: Templates
If the asset is a vector, this indicates whether it is an SVG or an AI/EPS asset. String. Values and meanings:
  • svg: SVG file
  • zip: AI/EPS file
Mime type of the asset's content. String. For example:"content_type": "image/jpeg"
Frame rate for the asset if it is a video. Float.
Duration in milliseconds of the asset if it is a video. Integer.
JSON object that contains one or more of the following properties for complementary assets if applicable: Standard, Video_HD, or Video_4K. The properties contain width, height, comp URL. See Example returned comps values.
URL to the Adobe Stock details page for the asset. If you pass the Authorization header with the call, Adobe Stock generates an SSO jump URL. String.
The ID of the 3D type, if the return asset is 3D. Values and meanings:
  • 1 - Models
  • 2 - Lights
  • 3 - Materials
The ID of the template type, if the returned asset is a template. Integer. Values and meanings:
  • 1: PSDT
  • 2: AIT
  • 3: INDT
  • 4: PPRO Motion Graphics Template
  • 5: AE Motion Graphics Template
Marketing text for the template in Markdown format, if the found asset is a template. String.
Description text for the template in Markdown format, if the found asset is a template. String.
Size of the template file in bytes, if the found asset is a template. Integer.
Asset's premium (pricing) level. Integer.
  • 0: Core/standard
  • 1: Free
  • 2: Premium level 1
  • 3: Premium level 2
  • 4: Premium level 3
True is the asset is a looping video or audio clip. Boolean.
True for PNG assets that have transparency. Boolean.

Example returned comps values


Copied to your clipboard
1 "comps": {
2 "Standard": {
3 "url": "https://stock.adobe.io/Rest/Libraries/Watermarked/Download/76203302/1",
4 "width": 1000,
5 "height": 248
6 }
7 }


Copied to your clipboard
1"comps": {
2 "Standard": {
3 "url": "https://stock.adobe.io/Rest/Libraries/Watermarked/Download/47788193/1",
4 "width": 770,
5 "height": 1000
6 }
7 }

Video that is available in 4K or HD:

Copied to your clipboard
1 "comps": {
2 "Video_HD": {
3 "url": "https://stock.adobe.io/Rest/Libraries/Watermarked/Download/106945684/3",
4 "width": 1920,
5 "height": 1080
6 },
7 "Video_4K": {
8 "url": "https://stock.adobe.io/Rest/Libraries/Watermarked/Download/106945684/4",
9 "width": 3840,
10 "height": 2160
11 }
12 }

Video that is in HD only:

Copied to your clipboard
1 "comps": {
2 "Video_HD": {
3 "url": "https://stock.adobe.io/Rest/Libraries/Watermarked/Download/109410569/3",
4 "width": 1920,
5 "height": 1080
6 }
7 }

Example queries and responses

This example searches for assets that have the keyword "dog" and returns no more than the first two matches.

Copied to your clipboard
1GET /Rest/Media/1/Search/Files?locale=en_US&search_parameters[words]=dogs&search_parameters[limit]=2 HTTP/1.1
2Host: stock.adobe.io
3X-Product: MySampleApp/1.0
4x-api-key: MyApiKey

The preceding request returns two asset descriptions. nb_results shows that 399,884 assets currently match the keyword "dog".

Copied to your clipboard
2 "nb_results": 399884,
3 "files": [
4 {
5 "id": 86760419,
6 "title": "German Shepherd Dog Sticking Head Out Driving Car Window",
7 "width": 3454,
8 "height": 2303,
9 "creator_name": "Christin Lola",
10 "creator_id": 204004289,
11 "thumbnail_url":
12 "https://as1.ftcdn.net/jpg/00/86/76/04/110_F_86760419_NEhOeuriYu82RwfgDqjTeIL9yx7ih5iv.jpg",
13 "thumbnail_html_tag":
14 "<img src='https://as1.ftcdn.net/jpg/00/86/76/04/110_F_86760419_NEhOeuriYu82RwfgDqjTeIL9yx7ih5iv.jpg'
15 alt='German Shepherd Dog Sticking Head Out Driving Car Window'
16 title='Photo: German Shepherd Dog Sticking Head Out Driving Car Window' />",
17 "thumbnail_width": 110,
18 "thumbnail_height": 73,
19 "media_type_id": 1,
20 "vector_type": null,
21 "category": {
22 "id": 47,
23 "name": "Dogs"
24 }
25 },
26 {
27 "id": 84977202,
28 "title": "Happy dog playing outside and carrying the American flag",
29 "width": 5616,
30 "height": 3744,
31 "creator_name": "SSilver",
32 "creator_id": 200407313,
33 "thumbnail_url": "https://as1.ftcdn.net/jpg/00/84/97/72/110_F_84977202_JplQMoMQ5QiZCgVeWLwKhFHCrr4HG99Q.jpg",
34 "thumbnail_html_tag":
35 "<img src='https://as1.ftcdn.net/jpg/00/84/97/72/110_F_84977202_JplQMoMQ5QiZCgVeWLwKhFHCrr4HG99Q.jpg'
36 alt='Happy dog playing outside and carrying the American flag'
37 title='Photo: Happy dog playing outside and carrying the American flag' />",
38 "thumbnail_width": 110,
39 "thumbnail_height": 73,
40 "media_type_id": 1,
41 "vector_type": null,
42 "category": {
43 "id": 47,
44 "name": "Dogs"
45 }
46 }
47 ]

Common search queries

Here are simple examples of common searches.

  • Keyword search; assets matching "purple" and "clouds":
Copied to your clipboard
  • Using pagination, get the 3rd page of results (rows 64-95) for the word "dogs":
Copied to your clipboard
  • Search for assets similar in appearance to the specified asset ID:
Copied to your clipboard
  • Search for assets similar in appearance to the specified URL:
Copied to your clipboard
  • Similar asset by URL and keyword:
Copied to your clipboard
  • Search for assets depicting the specified model:
Copied to your clipboard

Error codes

Each error generates a JSON array that contains the following keys and values. If your application receives this array and you need assistance, send the array to Adobe.

  • An error key.
  • Optionally a code key. Specifies an integer designating the category of error. Code values:
    • 10: Invalid access token. The access token that you passed is invalid or expired.
    • 11: Invalid API Key. The API key that you passed is not valid or has expired.
    • 20: Invalid parameters. The URL parameters that you passed are not supported.
    • 31: Invalid Method. The method that you specified does not exist in the method list.
    • 100: Invalid data. Data that you specified as arguments are not supported.

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