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@express-document-sdk / Editor

Class: Editor

Entry point for APIs that read or modify the document's content.



get context(): Context

User's current selection context




get documentRoot(): ExpressRootNode



the root of the document.



createEllipse(): EllipseNode



an ellipse node with default x/y radii, a black fill, and no initial stroke. Transform values default to 0.


createGroup(): GroupNode



a group node.


createImageContainer(bitmapData, options): MediaContainerNode

Creates a bitmap image, represented as a multi-node MediaContainerNode structure. Always creates a "full-frame," uncropped image initially, but cropping can be changed after it is created by modifying the properties of the container's mediaRectangle and maskShape children.

Image creation involves some asynchronous steps. The image will be visible in this client almost instantly, but will render as a gray placeholder on other clients until it has been uploaded to DCX and then downloaded by those clients. This local client will act as having unsaved changes until the upload has finished.


bitmapData: BitmapImage

BitmapImage resource (e.g. returned from loadBitmapImage()).

options= {}

Additional configuration: - initialSize - Size the image is displayed at. Must have the same aspect ratio as bitmapData. Defaults to the size the image would be created at by a UI drag-drop gesture (typically the image's full size, but scaled down if needed to stay below an application-defined size cap).

options.initialSize?: RectangleGeometry



MediaContainerNode representing the top container node of the multi-node structure.


createLine(): LineNode



a line node with default start point and end point and a default stroke. Transform values default to 0.


createPath(path): PathNode


path: string

a string representing any SVG path element. Note that the path data will be normalized, and therefore the path getter may return a different SVG string from the path creation input. For example, "M 10 80 Q 52.5 10, 95 80 T 180 80" becomes "M 10 80 C 38.33 33.33 66.67 33.33 95 80...". Throws if the input is empty or is not legal SVG path syntax.



a path node with a default stroke and no initial fill.


createRectangle(): RectangleNode



a rectangle node with default width and height, a black fill, and no initial stroke. Transform values default to 0.


createText(): TextNode



a text node with default styles. The text content is initially empty, so the text node will be invisible until its fullContent property's text is set. Creates point text, so the node's width will automatically adjust to accommodate whatever text is set.

Note: the registration point of this text node is not guaranteed to be at the top-left of the bounding box of its insertion parent. Recommend using setPositionInParent over translation to set the position.


loadBitmapImage(bitmapData): Promise<BitmapImage>

Creates a bitmap image resource in the document, which can be displayed in the scenegraph by passing it to createImageContainer to create a MediaContainerNode. The same BitmapImage can be used to create multiple MediaContainerNodes.

Because the resulting BitmapImage is returned asynchronously, to use it you must schedule an edit lambda to run at a safe later time in order to call createImageContainer. See queueAsyncEdit.

Further async steps to upload image resource data may continue in the background after this call's Promise resolves, but the resulting BitmapImage can be used right away (via the queue API noted above). The local client will act as having unsaved changes until all the upload steps have finished.


bitmapData: Blob

Encoded image data in PNG or JPEG format.




makeColorFill(color): ColorFill

Convenience helper to create a complete ColorFill value given just its color.


color: Color

The color to use for the fill.




makeStroke(options?): SolidColorStroke

Convenience helper to create a complete SolidColorStroke value given just a subset of its fields. All other fields are populated with default values.

See SolidColorStroke for more details on the options fields. Defaults:

  • color has default value DEFAULT_STROKE_COLOR if none is provided.
  • width has default value DEFAULT_STROKE_WIDTH if none is provided.
  • position has default value center if none is provided.
  • dashPattern has default value [] if none is provided.
  • dashOffset has default value 0 if none is provided. This field is ignored if no dashPattern was provided.
  • type has default value SolidColorStroke.type if none is provided. This field shouldn't be set to any other value.


options?: Partial<SolidColorStroke>



a stroke configured with the given options.


queueAsyncEdit(lambda): Promise<void>

Enqueues a function to be run at a later time when edits to the user's document may be performed. You can always edit the document immediately when invoked in response to your add-on's UI code. However, if you delay to await an asynchronous operation such as loadBitmapImage, any edits following this pause must be scheduled using queueAsyncEdit(). This ensures the edit is properly tracked for saving and undo.

The delay before your edit function is executed is typically just a few milliseconds, so it will appear instantaneous to users. However, note that queueAsyncEdit() will return before your function has been run. If you need to trigger any code after the edit has been performed, either include this in the lambda you are enqueuing or await the Promise returned by queueAsyncEdit().

Generally, calling any setter or method is treated as an edit; but simple getters may be safely called at any time.

Example of typical usage:

Copied to your clipboard
// Assume insertImage() is called from your UI code, and given a Blob containing image data
async function insertImage(blob) {
// This function was invoked from the UI iframe, so we can make any edits we want synchronously here.
// Initially load the bitmap - an async operation
const bitmapImage = await editor.loadBitmapImage(blob);
// Execution doesn't arrive at this line until an async delay, due to the Promise 'await' above
// Further edits need to be queued to run at a safe time
editor.queueAsyncEdit(() => {
// Create scenenode to display the image, and add it to the current artboard
const mediaContainer = editor.createImageContainer(bitmapImage);



a function which edits the document model.



a Promise that resolves when the lambda has finished running, or rejects if the lambda throws an error.

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