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@express-document-sdk / BaseNode

Class: BaseNode

A "node" represents an object in the scenegraph, the document's visual content tree. This base class includes only the most fundamental nonvisual properties that even nodes near the top of the document structure share (such as PageNode). The more tangible visual content typically extends the richer Node class which extends BaseNode with additional properties.

Extended by



get addOnData(): AddOnData

Get AddOnData reference for managing the private metadata on this node for this add-on.




get allChildren(): Readonly<Iterable<BaseNode>>

Returns a read-only list of all children of the node. General-purpose content containers such as ArtboardNode or GroupNode also provide a mutable ContainerNode.children list. Other nodes with a more specific structure can hold children in various discrete "slots"; this allChildren list includes all such children and reflects their overall display z-order.

Although BaseNode's allChildren may yield other BaseNodes, the subclasses Node and ArtboardNode override allChildren to guarantee all their children are full-fledged Node instances.




get id(): string

A unique identifier for this node that stays the same when the file is closed & reopened, or if the node is moved to a different part of the document.




get parent(): undefined | BaseNode

The node's parent. The parent chain will eventually reach ExpressRootNode for all nodes that are part of the document content.

Nodes that have been deleted are "orphaned," with a parent chain that terminates in undefined without reaching the root node. Such nodes cannot be selected, so it is unlikely to encounter one unless you retain a reference to a node that was part of the document content earlier. Deleted nodes can be reattached to the scenegraph, e.g. via Undo.


undefined | BaseNode


get type(): SceneNodeType

The node's type.





removeFromParent(): void

Removes the node from its parent - effectively deleting it, if the node is not re-added to another parent before the document is closed.

If parent is a basic ContainerNode, this is equivalent to node.parent.children.remove(node). For nodes with other child "slots," removes the child from whichever slot it resides in, if possible. Throws if the slot does not permit removal. No-op if node is already an orphan.



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