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  • Added many new Text APIs for improved text management.
  • Added Per Element Metadata APIs: with this feature, add-ons can store private metadata to any node of the Express document. This metadata is accessible only to the add-on that has set it. See the AddOnData class and the addOnData accessor for the BaseNode class.
  • Added Selection Change Notification Events APIs: add-on can register to be notified when selection and properties in the selection changes on the document. The Context class will expose two on() and off() methods which can be used to register and un-register selection change and selection properties change notifications.
  • Added a new GridCellNode class that represents a cell in a grid.




  • Adds a new addAnimatedImage() method which can be used to add animated GIF images to the document (as long as they fit within certain technical constraints).
  • Adds a new importPdf() method which can be used to add a PDF to the document.
  • Adds a new importPresentation() method which can be used to add a PowerPoint presentation to the document.
  • Adds notes about specific support and handling for animated GIF images when importing and dragging content. This includes a new FAQ item summarizing the associated use cases.
  • Adds all of the new methods mentioned above to the content management use case page with example code snippets for each.


  • Added a new replaceMedia() method to the MediaContainerNode class that can be used to replace existing media inline.
  • Refactoring done to the Stroke APIs.


  • Added a new format property to the addOnUISdk.app.ui object that reflects the format used to display dates, times, numbers, etc. in the user's environment. It supports a "formatchange" event triggered when the format changes—see an example in the Locale, Supported Locales, and Format section.
  • Removed mobile and app as supportedDeviceClass values in the Manifest's requirements.apps object.


  • Added a new experimental openEditorPanel() API to programmatically open and interact with the Editor panel. This method of the addOnUISdk.app.ui allows navigation to specific tabs and collections, as well as performing content searches. The Constants page has been updated accordingly.
  • Added a new Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy FAQ.


  • The Quickstart and Distribute guides have been updated to reflect major UI/UX improvements for in-app workflows, particularly around distribution and listing management.
  • The Add-ons tab is now active also in the Adobe Express home page, regardless of whether a project is open or not.
  • A new section on Marketplace rejections has been added, highlighting the most common problems found during the add-on review process and how to avoid them.
  • The Manifest Reference has been updated with two new permission properties: microphone and camera.


  • A new VisualNode class has been added to the Document APIs, and represents any node that can be visually perceived in the content.

  • New Document APIs have been added:

  • The CLI has been updated to release version 2.0.0, and includes the following:

    • Periodic login and EULA consent are no longer required.
    • Two new templates for creating add-ons with built-in support to Spectrum Web Components have been added and documented: swc-javascript and swc-javascript-with-document-sandbox. Typescript templates have been renamed to swc-typescript and swc-typescript-with-document-sandbox. See this page for details on all the available templates.
    • Typings have been updated to include the latest SDK changes, and other internal packages are now at version 2.0.0.

    NOTE: The new version should be installed by default when you create a new add-on. If, for any reason, it doesn't, you can force it to install by clearing the npx cache first with npx clear-npx-cache or by specifying the version in the command, i.e.: npx @adobe/create-ccweb-add-on@2.0.0 my-add-on.

  • The Samples page has been updated to document the existing add-ons in the express-add-on-samples repository, including a newly added audio-recording-addon.

  • The Common Use Cases section has been refactored as a sub-menu, grouping similar topics into individual pages. A new Login and Logout flows section has been added. Other minor fixes and improvements have been made to the documentation.


  • Support for Ps and Ai files to be added to the page via the addImage() method. (Note: there were no changes to the drag-n-drop APIs).
  • Adds new MediaAttributes parameter to the addImage() method for Ps/Ai file types to pass media attributes like title.
  • Adds new Mp4RenditionOptions object to support mp4 renditions.
  • Adds new VideoResolution constant to set video resolution options.
  • Adds registerIframe() method and unregisterIframe type definition with example usage. NOTE: These APIs are currently experimental.



  • New support for monetization details has been added to the public distribution flow and allows you to provide details around monetization options your add-on supports. A selection will now be required when you submit a new add-on to the marketplace or update an existing one. The options include free, one-time payment, recurring subscription, micro-transactions, and other.

    In addition, the monetization guidelines were updated with details to help guide you in communicating your monetization strategy, and include new branding badges you can use to visually indicate when content or features require a purchase or when they are paid and unlocked. Please ensure you review the updated monetization guidelines carefully for specific details. NOTE: Adobe does not currently provide a specific monetization feature, but with this update, provides a way for developers to communicate the monetization details of their add-ons.

  • The first phase of add-on analytics support has been released, and allows developers to download insights data for their published add-ons via the Download insights button in the in-app distribution modal.

  • A new Concepts guide was added to the Document APIs section to provide a deep-dive into the architecture and key elements of the Adobe Express Document Object Model (DOM).


  • A new id accessor has been added to the BaseNode class in the Document APIs and is inherited by all classes that extend it. The id represents a unique identifier that stays the same when the file is closed and reopened, or if the node is moved to a different part of the document.



Added a new tutorial - Building UIs using Adobe's Spectrum Design System.


New Experimental APIs

Additional Updates

  • A new PdfRenditionOptions object is now available to be used with the the createRenditions() export API and allows a user to specify an optional bleed object (for printing).
  • A new isPrintReady property has been added to the PageMetadata API to indicate if the page is ready to print.
  • Updated the FAQ regarding the mime type for exported PDF files. It will now return application/pdf (as opposed to text/plain from an earlier update).


Breaking changes (experimental APIs)

Some items in the following list of changes may have been mentioned in recent updates but are being listed in this summary again to serve as a reminder.

  • The methods in the Document API Editor class to create a color fill and stroke have been renamed to makeColorFill and makeStroke respectively.

  • strokes and fills have been renamed to their singular counterpart. (Express does not support multiple strokes or fills). You should use stroke and fill going forward to access them, and they will no longer be ItemList objects, since they represent only a single stroke or fill.

    Copied to your clipboard
    // Before
    // After
    rectangle.fill = rectFill;
    ellipse.fill = ellipseFill;
    • fill and stroke.color are just a color object of the form { red, green, blue, alpha }.
    • stroke is an object of the form { color, width, dashPattern, dashOffset }
  • Color utilities have moved to colorUtils instead of utils.


    Copied to your clipboard
    import { utils } from "express-document-sdk";
    const color = utils.createColor(1, 0, 0);


    Copied to your clipboard
    import { colorUtils } from "express-document-sdk";
    // any of:
    const color = colorUtils.fromRGB(1, 0, 0); // optional alpha
    const color = colorUtils.fromRGB({ red: 1 , green: 0, blue: 0 };); // optional alpha
    const color = colorUtils.fromHex("#ff0000");
    const color = { red: 1, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 1 }; // mandatory alpha
    • fromHex returns a color from a Hex string -- e.g., colorUtils.fromHex("#FF8040") or colorUtils.fromHex("#FF8040FF") (including the optional alpha);
    • fromRGB returns a color from a set of RGB(A) values (0-1) -- e.g., colorUtils.fromRGB(1,0.5,0.25,1).
    • toHex converts a color object to a Hex string -- e.g., colorUtils.toHex(aColor).
  • allChildren returns an iterator, not an Array. However if you want to use array methods (ie: Array#map), you can use Array.from to convert it to an array.

  • Strokes and fills will no longer move if you add an existing stroke/fill to another shape (previously the original shape would lose the corresponding stroke or fill). For example:

    Copied to your clipboard
    // Old way
    const greenFill = editor.createColorFill(colorUtils.fromRGB(0, 0, 1));
    /* oops, someRect no longer has a green fill, because anotherRect is its parent */


    Copied to your clipboard
    // New way
    const greenFill = editor.makeColorFill(colorUtils.fromRGB(0, 0, 1));
    someRect.fill = greenFill;
    anotherRect.fill = greenFill;
    /* both rectangles have a green fill */
  • Some things that previously didn't make sense will now cause compile errors in typescript, or throw in javascript:

    • Do not assume a node's parent is movable — e.g., an artboard can't be repositioned.
    • Not all shapes support setting opacity or locking (e.g, the document root or an artboard).
  • The translateX and translateY properties have been replaced by a single translation object.

    Copied to your clipboard
    // old
    rectangle.translateX = 100;
    rectangle.translateY = 20;
    // new
    rectangle.translation = { x: 100, y: 20 }; // both x,y properties are required
  • A new BaseNode class has been introduced, and ContainerNode has been moved from a class to an interface.

  • The key to load APIs that use the Document APIs has changed, as well as the module names you import APIs from in the Document Sandbox. The old ones will still work, but the CLI and templates have all been updated to use the new names. Please update your add-ons to use the new ones shown below:

    Adobe Express Document APIs SDK import
    For access to the Express document and content authoring APIs:

    Copied to your clipboard
    // Old
    import { editor } from "express";
    Copied to your clipboard
    // New
    import { editor } from "express-document-sdk";

    Document Sandbox SDK import
    For access to the document sandbox runtime APIs:

    Copied to your clipboard
    // Old
    import AddOnScriptSdk from "AddOnScriptSdk";
    Copied to your clipboard
    // New
    import addOnSandboxSdk from "add-on-sdk-document-sandbox";
  • The manifest.json entry point for the document sandbox script code reference was renamed from script to documentSandbox, as shown below:

    Copied to your clipboard
    "entryPoints": [
    "type": "panel",
    "id": "panel1",
    "main": "index.html",
    "documentSandbox": "code.js" // used to be "script": "code.js"
  • The apiProxy() method in the addOnSandboxSdk.instance.runtime object now accepts "documentSandbox" as a parameter when referring to the entry point in the manifest where your document sandbox code resides, instead of "script".

  • The RuntimeType constant now uses the value of "documentSandbox" in lieu of "script".

    IMPORTANT: The above updates should be considered breaking changes, so any add-ons in development that relied on the experimental APIs may not work correctly until you make changes to use the new/updated ones above. The intention was to ensure these important changes were made prior to marking the APIs stable to 1) make them more intuitive for developers, 2) significantly improve the process of working with colors, strokes and fills, and 3) prevent certain operations from corrupting the document.

  • The CLI has been updated to release version 1.1.1, and includes the following:

    • The document sandbox templates have been updated to reflect all of the latest changes to the Document Sandbox APIs, and the experimentalApis flag has been removed. Please review the updated references and changelog entries thoroughly for details on all of the recent changes. You may also want to refer to the document sandbox code samples for additional help on how to use them.
    • Typings support has been added to the javascript templates to enable intellisense features.
    • Manifest property additions.
    • General improvements and bug fixes.

    NOTE: The new version should be installed by default when you create a new add-on. If, for any reason, it doesn't, you can force it to install by clearing the npx cache first with npx clear-npx-cache or by specifying the version in the command, i.e.: npx @adobe/create-ccweb-add-on@1.1.1 my-add-on. You can update any existing add-ons to use this new version by updating the version of the ccweb-add-on-scripts in the package.json to 1.1.1.

  • All code samples and the Document API tutorial have also been updated to reflect all of the latest changes to the Adobe Express Document Sandbox APIs listed here.

  • Removed all experimental APIs notes/warnings around the Document Sandbox since they are now stable.

Additional Updates



  • The Document API's were updated to add a new ColorUtils class, which replaces the previous utils module that was used as a color helper with a more enhanced utlility. If you've used the old utils module in your add-ons, it will require you to update them to use the new named import of colorUtils instead of utils. Color creation should now be done using the new colorUtils module. An example of the old way and new way to create a color are shown below for reference:

    Copied to your clipboard
    // Before
    import { utils } from "express-document-sdk";
    const color = utils.createColor(1, 0, 0);
    // After
    import { colorUtils } from "express-document-sdk";
    // any of:
    const color = colorUtils.fromRGB(1, 0, 0); // optional alpha
    const color = colorUtils.fromRGB({ red: 1, green: 0, blue: 0 }); // optional alpha
    const color = colorUtils.fromHex("#ff0000");
    const color = { red: 1, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 1 }; // mandatory alpha

    The code samples have also been updated, so please also refer to those for further details on how to use it. Please note, the example code snippets and samples using fills or strokes off a node class were also updated to use a singular Fill or Stroke object instead of as an ItemList object.

    Copied to your clipboard
    // Before
    // After
    rectangle.fill = rectFill;
    ellipse.fill = ellipseFill;
  • A new release has landed for the In-App Developer Submission experience in Express. Some highlights from the release:

    Create Add-on flow: You can now create an add-on "container" as your first step in building add-ons within the existing in-app distribution workflow. Creating the container gets you access to a few important settings and data (for instance your unique subdomain, see below) before you continue the development process in the CLI. All existing add-ons will automatically receive a parent container with the associated additional features today.

    Unique Subdomain retrieval: As part of your add-on container, you will now be able to easily retrieve a unique subdomain for your add-on. Simply choose one of your add-ons in the distribution workflow and navigate to the new "Settings" tab and copy the Add-on URL. This URL is handy for addressing issues with CORS by adding the URL as an allowed origin. See our CORS guide for more details.

    Delete Add-ons: The "container" concept allowed us to offer better management and cleanup of your add-ons. You will now find the option to delete an add-on container entirely from the new "Settings" tab of a given add-on.

    NOTE: You can only delete add-ons that have not been published publicly or submitted to our Review team. Please contact us if you need to un-publish an add-on.

    Supported Languages: The version details step for publishing add-ons publicly now includes fields to indicate which languages are supported by your add-ons (beyond the required English). You can choose from any of the languages Express supports, and your designation will be shown to users when they browse your listing details. See our sample for detecting a user's locale to localize your add-on.

  • Updated list of templates and details to include the Document Sandbox template options, and how to still scaffold from one when the --template parameter is not explicitly supplied.

  • New FAQ item regarding the mime type for exported PDF files. This is due to an unexpected change made in Adobe Express core to the mime type returned when you generate a PDF using the export createRenditions method. In the past it would return application/pdf, but currently it returns text/plain. This is something to be aware of if you are inspecting the mime type in the response and failing if it's anything other than application/pdf.

  • Removed NPS survey.



  • Adds support to the Add-on UI SDK for retrieving the document id and title, as well as the ability for the add-on to be notified of the associated events.

  • Updates the names of the SDK imports for the Document Sandbox and the Document API's SDK:

    Document Sandbox SDK import


    import AddOnScriptSdk from "AddOnScriptSdk";


    import addOnSandboxSdk from "add-on-sdk-document-sandbox";

    which also requires the following line to change in the example code to use the new reference:

    const { runtime } = addOnSandboxSdk.instance; // runtime object provides direct access to the comm methods

    Express Document SDK Import (for accessing the Document APIs


    import { editor } from "express";


    import { editor } from "express-document-sdk";

    NOTE: This includes the named imports for utils and constants modules as well if needed (ie: import { editor, utils, constants } from "express-document-sdk").

  • Updates the manifest.json entry for the document sandbox script code reference from script to documentSandbox, as shown below:

    Copied to your clipboard
    "entryPoints": [
    "type": "panel",
    "id": "panel1",
    "main": "index.html",
    "documentSandbox": "code.js"
  • apiProxy() now accepts "documentSandbox" as a parameter when referring to the entry point in the manifest where your document sandbox code resides, instead of "script".

  • The RuntimeType constant can now have a value of "documentSandbox" in lieu of "script".



The accessors and methods below were removed or replaced with new names in the Node class and classes that extend it. Please refer to the Document API References specifically to learn more about each.

  • Removes absoluteRotation accessor
  • Removes absoluteTransform accessor
  • Removes relativeRotation accessor
  • Removes relativeTransform accessor
  • Removes translateX accessor
  • Removes translateY accessor
  • Adds rotation accessor
  • Adds rotationInScreen accessor
  • Adds transformMatrix accessor
  • Adds translation accessor
  • Adds setPositionInParent method
  • Adds setRotationInParent method


Updated Document API references to include:


  • Added a new tutorial section to the Getting Started guides, including a new "Building your first add-on with the Document API" tutorial by Davide Barranca.
  • Updated the naming conventions from Script Runtime to Document Sandbox and Editor APIs to Adobe Express Document APIs. The Document Sandbox now includes the Communication APIs, Web APIs and the Document APIs.
  • Updated sample code snippets to use the addOnUISdk import name (vs AddOnSDK) similar to what's generated in the templates for consistency.



New questions and answers added to the FAQ regarding Adobe's use of add-on data, where to file feature requests and more.



Updates to the OAuth APIs to allow for a new optional windowSize parameter to be specified in the AuthorizationRequest object and the AuthorizeWithOwnRedirectRequest to set the desired size of the authorization window.



Published new Guidelines and requirements section; including General guidelines, Developer brand guidelines, Monetization guidelines and Generative AI guidelines.



New versions of the CLI packages:

Copied to your clipboard
"@adobe-ccwebext/ccweb-add-on-manifest": "1.5.0"
"@adobe-ccwebext/ccweb-add-on-core": "1.5.0"
"@adobe-ccwebext/ccweb-add-on-ssl": "1.5.0"
"@adobe-ccwebext/ccweb-add-on-analytics": "1.5.0"
"@adobe-ccwebext/ccweb-add-on-developer-terms": "1.5.0"
"@adobe-ccwebext/create-ccweb-add-on": "1.5.0"
"@adobe-ccwebext/ccweb-add-on-scaffolder": "1.5.0"
"@adobe-ccwebext/ccweb-add-on-scripts": "1.5.0"
"@adobe-ccwebext/ccweb-add-on-sdk-types": "0.3.0"

which include:

  • Updated templates for both iframe and document sandbox add-ons:

    • All new add-ons created (other than those based on javascript) use spectrum-web-components with the Express theme pre-set.
    • React-based templates include swc-react setup.
    • The javascript-with-editor-apis template has been removed from the initial template selection in this version but replaced with the option from the CLI to include the document sandbox when creating a new add-on.
  • New type support for typescript based add-ons.

  • Ability to recreate your SSL certificates.

Documentation updates

  • Updated document sandbox Reference docs to reflect the new CLI prompt to include document sandbox (vs the specific template).
  • Updated Getting Started guides documentation and screenshots to reflect the new Add-on Launchpad panel update to the new two-tab view for "Discover" and "Your Add-ons".



  • Removed the experimental APIs notes/warnings around the Audio APIs and User APIs since they are now stable.
  • Removed references to the Dropbox sample since the import-images-from-oauth contains the same functionality.




The Editor API references have been updated with additional descriptions and details as well as some new and modified APIs:

  • Artboard now has a single fill only. Note: it's possible that all node types will move to this model in the near future.
  • The name property is now only available on PageNode, not all node types.
  • New Node.locked & Context.selectionIncludingNonEditable properties were added for the locking feature that recently shipped in Express.



  • New iframe Sandbox Context guide with details on the new subdomain support and CORS handling.
  • How-to videos embedded in various guides to help visually show how to use the information in those sections.


  • New Types Package Versions Released

    • A new version 0.1.6 of the @adobe-ccwebext/ccweb-add-on-sdk-types package with the latest typings for the AddOnSDK (iframe), including new experimental APIs, as well as general improvements and bug fixes.
    • A new version 0.2.0 of the @adobe-ccwebext/ccweb-add-on-sdk-types package with the latest typings for the document sandbox/Editor APIs.

    IMPORTANT: Developers who are NOT using the document sandbox/Editor APIs should update to their types package to 0.1.6 at minimum by changing the version of it to @adobe-ccwebext/ccweb-add-on-sdk-types@0.1.6 in the package.json.

    The new types 0.2.0 types package will be used automatically for any new add-ons created. If you would like to update an existing add-on to the 0.2.0 version, you will need to update the ccweb-add-on-sdk-typings.d.ts file in your add-on with the content here.

  • Performance guide updates to include Task Manager and Memory Consumption details for add-ons.

  • FAQ update for SharedArrayBuffer.



  • Added supported file types for import and export to the FAQ.



  • The Communication API in the document sandbox reference section was updated to change the example code importing the SDK to a default import rather than a named import as it was previously:


    import { AddOnSdkApi } from "AddOnSdkApi";


    import AddOnScriptSdk from "AddOnScriptSdk";

    Note that you can now name the imported module whatever you'd like, but for simplicity in the examples, the name is kept the same. Since these APIs are currently experimental, this change will not impact any in-production add-ons, however, it will require you to update any existing usage of these APIs in progress.

  • A new 1.4.2 version of the CLI was also released with an updated javascript-with-editor-apis template reflecting the default SDK import noted in the first bullet above. The new CLI version will install automatically when you create a new add-on, or you can update existing add-ons by changing the version of the ccweb-add-on-scripts in the package.json to 1.4.2.
  • Updated the FAQ with details on Experimental APIs and suppported file types for exported content.



Added new Audio API documentation. You can now import audio to the current Adobe Express document in two different methods:

  1. Using the new addAudio() method, which requires a MediaAttributes object containing the title of the audio content.
  2. Using drag and drop, and supplying the MediaAttributes object in the DragCompletionData.

Please note, in both cases, the MediaAttributes object is required for audio content, but optional for video and image content. A new code sample will be supplied in the near future, but in the meantime, please refer to the example usage snippets provided in the SDK Reference and Implementing Common Use Cases Guide.



Added new code sample to demonstrate how to use SWC-React and set theme properties in add-ons called swc-react-theme-sampler to the Code Samples.


  • Updated the User Interface Guide to add more notes around the recommended use of swc-react over React Spectrum and to point to the new sample mentioned above.


  • Fixed bug in the locale example.



Bugs and Fixes

  • There's currently a bug where addArtboard could crash the application or corrupt the document if there's no fill specified on the artboard. Please ensure you always add a fill in the same frame as the artboard creation until this issue is resolved. Also note, when this bug is fixed, the ArtboardNode will accept a single fill object, rather than an ItemList of fill(s).

  • Currently, in the addPage API, a new page is created, but the selected context is not changed to the newly added artboard. As a result, from a UI perspective, the user remains on the previous page. A change will be implemented this week which will change the default context to the artboard child of the newly added page. This results in actual navigation to the newly added page, and all new content which is added using the Editor APIs will be added to this page.

    IMPORTANT: We recommend that you only test the use of these experimental Editor APIs against non-essential documents, due to the potential for loss or corruption.


  • Premium Content handling details have been added to the Implementing Common Use Cases Guide. Note the warning for ensuring that you include the specified permissions in the manifest.json to allow-popups and allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox to ensure the pricing page can be loaded when needed (and note the addition of the renditionPreview flag in the requirements of the manifest when you want to allow premium content to be previewed).



Important notes on document sandbox APIs (aka Document Sandbox)

  • These APIs are experimental!

    • Do not test your add-ons on documents that you care about as these APIs are not currently considered stable.
    • Be sure to only use documented APIs when writing your add-ons. Use of undocumented APIs (which may be prefixed with an underscore, but not always) is not supported and may cause your add-on to fail or lead to document corruption. Visibility of a method or property is visible via console.log is not an indication of whether that field is supported or documented.
  • Debugging & Console messages

    • You may see "Empty transaction not added to pendingTransaction" while running code in the document sandbox. You can ignore this for now.
    • You may see "Detected a possible stutter. Excessive ECS Frame duration of ## ms" in the console. You can ignore this for now.
    • If your script code has a syntax error, the console will log an unhelpful error message (similar to Uncaught (in promise) at adobe-internal.js:49). Your add-on panel UI will be visible and continue to be interactive, but it won't be able to communicate with the document sandbox, resulting in what feels like non-responsive UI (e.g., clicking doesn't trigger the expected action). You'll want to configure your editor to highlight any syntax editors so that you can be sure your code is at least syntactically correct before you save.
  • Intermittent issues

    • Auto reload of the add-on when a change is detected sometimes fails to work properly. This can result in changes to the UI HTML not being reflected, but can also cause the connection between the panel UI and the document sandbox to not be properly initialized (your UI may appear to be unresponsive as a result). If you encounter this situation, manually reloading the add-on from the developer panel will usually resolve the issue. We're working on a fix.
    • It's occasionally possible to run into a race condition where the communications bridge between the two contexts (panel vs document sandbox) is not set up in time. If you interact with your panel UI immediately after it's reloaded, the click may appear do nothing instead of invoking your script code. We're working on a fix for this.
  • Common pitfalls

    • If you split your work on a document over multiple frames, be sure to protect against reentrancy, otherwise you may end up corrupting the user's undo stack. You should disable elements on the panel UI that could allow the user to execute your code before it is complete and then re-enable those elements when the code is done. The issue will be fixed in a future release.
    • When setting up communication between your panel UI code and your script sandbox code, calling apiProxy() with the wrong argument will do nothing without providing any error feedback. If communication is not working, carefully double-check your UI code is requesting the "script" API proxy and your script sandbox code is requesting the "panel" API proxy.
  • Unexpected behavior

    • If the user has a selection and your add-on creates new content, the selection is cleared. This will be addressed before release. An API will be added in the future that will allow you to change the selection to content your add-on creates.

    • When you add text content to a document, font substitution is not working correctly. This means that if you use Asian-language characters, the user may see square boxes instead. If the user were to type the content manually, however, they would see the correct rendering. This issue will be fixed before release.

    • Setting a blend mode on a media container node (e.g., after calling editor.createImageContainer) will be visually reflected, but doesn't currently update the "Blend mode" field in the property panel.

    • Setting rotation on an empty group is ignored. Always add content (children) to a group first, and then set its rotation.

    • When removing elements from a parent element, the element may continue to show in the Adobe Express layer stack. This will be addressed in the future. This can also occur if you call clear() to remove all children from an element as well as when using removeFromParent().

    • Shape elements added to the document by users (via the Media tab) do not support fill or stroke properties at this time. Furthermore, you should generally avoid making changes to these shapes (they'll appear as group nodes), as this could corrupt the document. We'll add protections around this in an upcoming release.

    • While the API supports adding multiple strokes to elements, Express currently only supports editing the first stroke added. If you want to change the stroke of an element, remove the existing strokes and then add the new stroke so that the element continues to have a single stroke. For example:

      Copied to your clipboard
  • Likely API changes

    • Creating colors is currently done via utils.createColor(). We're likely to change how you assign colors to objects, so bear this in mind as you use the experimental APIs. Note that this means you cannot just pass a plain JS object of the form {red, green, blue} to the Editor APIs — it must be a color created using utils.createColor.
    • Editor API constants may be renamed or may change how they are accessed.
    • Fills and strokes can only be assigned to a single parent element. If you try to append a fill from one element to another element, the fill will be moved and not cloned (just like moving a scenenode object from one parent to another). This behavior may change in the future.
    • There is no support for fetch in the document sandbox environment. You can work around this by exposing a method from your panel that your script code can call that does the work of fetching remote content. In the future we may abstract this for you automatically.
    • The strokes API is likely to be modified so that it only supports a single stroke.
  • Typings & Typescript

    • Typings and samples showing how to use Typescript will be available in a future release.





  • UX Guidelines are now available!
  • A new requestedSize parameter can now be supplied as part of the JPG and PNG rendition options passed in when exporting content with the createRenditions method.
  • A new clipboard permission can now be set with the clipboard-write value in the manifest to allow an add-on to write data to the clipboard.
  • Information on using fonts.
  • CORS / COEP header handling added to the CORS guide



  • Initial release for the beta version of Adobe Express.
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