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Listing requirements

Your add-on's listing must be clear that generative AI is being used. During submission of your add-on, you'll be prompted to select if your add-on uses generative AI. If your add-on does so, in any capacity, you must answer in the affirmative. This will ensure that users are properly informated that your add-on utilized generative AI for some or all of its features.

Content generation requirements

Content created by your add-on must adhere to Adobe’s General Terms of Use and the Developer Terms of Use.


  • Your add-on must not generate illegal content.
  • Your add-on must leverage filtering technologies and must test your add-on to ensure that illegal content is not generated.
  • Before an add-on leveraging generative AI is approved for publication, you may be asked to certify that you have read these guidelines and agree to abide by them.

If your add-on is found to be generating illegal content, your add-on will be removed.

Disclaimer requirements

If your add-on generates text or code, your add-on must remind the user that the content generated may be inaccurate. Users should always review the generated content with trusted sources before publishing the content or executing any code. Because every use of AI is different, Adobe doesn't provide a one-size-fits-all example, but there are several examples in the generative AI ecosystem that should provide good examples.

Use cases that don't require certification

Add-ons that meet the following criteria do not require the add-on's developer to submit a self-certification of compliance with our content generation requirements:

  • Your add-on is privately listed (NOTE: We may still elect to remove your privately listed add-on if we receive credible reports of abuse)
  • AI Models that the user installs and runs locally on their device (that is, models that are not included within the add-on bundle)
  • Text-to-speech using Generative AI (provided the text is supplied by the user)
  • Instrumental music or sound effects created using Generative AI (where there are no lyrics)

Check back frequently!

These requirements are a “living document” and will be updated over time, as our guidelines - and the technology itself - evolve. If you have any questions about a specific case or issue, or would like to learn more about our requirements, please contact us.

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