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Using Text

Text is an essential part of any design. Let's explore how to use all the available APIs to create and style it.

Creating Text

The editor.createText() method doesn't accept any parameters and returns a brand new TextNode. The actual textual content starts as empty and is found in its fullContent.text property.


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// sandbox/code.js
import { editor } from "express-document-sdk";
// Create a new TextNode
const textNode = editor.createText();
// Set the text content
textNode.fullContent.text = "Hello,\nWorld!";
// Center the text on the page
const insertionParent = editor.context.insertionParent;
{ x: insertionParent.width / 2, y: insertionParent.height / 2 },
{ x: 0, y: 0 }
// Add the TextNode to the document
// Get the text content
console.log("Text: ", textNode.fullContent.text);

The text is created with the default styles (Source Sans 3, 100pt, black). Use \n or \r to add a line break.

Replacing Text

The text content of a TextNode can be replaced by setting the fullContent.text property.


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// sandbox/code.js
import { editor } from "express-document-sdk";
// Assuming the user has selected a text frame
const selectedTextNode = editor.context.selection[0];
selectedTextNode.fullContent.text = "Something else";

Applying Character Styles

Text styles can be applied to a TextNode using the fullContent.applyCharacterStyles() method, which applies one or more styles to the characters in the given range, leaving any style properties that were not specified unchanged.

The styles are defined by the CharacterStylesInput interface; the properties that can be set are:

  • color
  • font (please see the Using Fonts section)
  • fontSize
  • letterSpacing
  • underline

The range is an object with the start and length properties.

Please note that applyCharacterStyles() is only one way to set styles; you can also use the characterStyleRanges property, which supports both getting and setting styles, as described here.

Example: Setting Styles in a range

Let's change the styles for the first three characters of a TextNode.

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// sandbox/code.js
import { editor } from "express-document-sdk";
// Assuming the user has selected a text frame
const textNode = editor.context.selection[0];
// Apply character styles to the first three letters
color: { red: 0, green: 0.4, blue: 0.8, alpha: 1 },
fontSize: 240,
letterSpacing: 10,
underline: true,
start: 0,
length: 3,

The applyCharacterStyles() method is not the only one that allows you to set styles; you can also use the characterStyleRanges property, which supports both getting and setting styles.

Example: Getting all Styles

To get the complete list of text character styles, you can use the fullContent.characterStyleRanges property, which returns an array of CharacterStylesRange elements.

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// sandbox/code.js
import { editor } from "express-document-sdk";
// Assuming the user has selected a text frame
const textNode = editor.context.selection[0];
const contentModel = textNode.fullContent;
// Get the array of character styles
const existingStyles = contentModel.characterStyleRanges;
// Edit some properties
existingStyles[0].fontSize = 10;
// Reassign the array to apply the style changes
contentModel.characterStyleRanges = existingStyles;

Example: Setting all Styles

You can also use the characterStyleRanges property to set individual ranges or them all. It's always best to get the array, modify it, and then reassign it.

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// sandbox/code.js
import { editor } from "express-document-sdk";
// Assuming the user has selected a text frame
const textNode = editor.context.selection[0];
const contentModel = textNode.fullContent;
// Get the array of character styles
const existingStyles = contentModel.characterStyleRanges;
// Edit some properties: the font size of all styles
existingStyles.forEach((style) => {
style.fontSize = 50;
// Alternatively, you could set the properties for a specific style range
// existingStyles[0].fontSize = 50;
// Reassign the array to apply the style changes
contentModel.characterStyleRanges = existingStyles;

Using Fonts

In the Adobe Express Document API, Fonts are part of the Character Styles; we're treating them separately here for clarity. Similarly to the color and other properties, you can use individual CharacterStylesRange items from the CharacterStyleRanges array as Font getters and setters, or use the applyCharacterStyles() method to apply a Font style to a specific range.

The only caveat is that you cannot set the font as an Object literal, like, e.g., colors; fonts must be of type AvailableFont, and are instantiated from the fonts object (imported from the "express-document-sdk") using the asynchronous fromPostscriptName() method.

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// Always
const font = await fonts.fromPostscriptName("SourceSans3-Bold");
// Won't work
const font = {
availableForEditing: true,
isPremium: false,
family: "Source Sans 3",
postscriptName: "SourceSans3-Bold",
style: "Bold",

You can get PostScript names by setting different text fonts in the Adobe Express UI; then, log and inspec the font property of characterStyleRange, as seen here.

Example: Setting Fonts in a range.

Let's now change the font of the first three characters in a TextNode. Please note that although you're allowed to set the font as the only style, the font object itself must contain all the properties, as the following code snippet demonstrates.

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// sandbox/code.js
import { editor, fonts } from "express-document-sdk"; // 👈 fonts import
// Assuming the user has selected a text frame
const textNode = editor.context.selection[0];
// Getting a new font object
const lato = await fonts.fromPostscriptName("Lato-Light");
if (!lato) return; // in case the user isn't entitled to use this font
// ⚠️ Queueing the edit
editor.queueAsyncEdit(() => {
{ font: lato, fontSize: 24 },
{ start: 0, length: 3 }

Example: Getting all Fonts

A font, regardless of whether accessed via CharacterStylesRange or executing fromPostscriptName(), exposes the following properties:

  • isPremium: boolean, indicating whether the font is a Premium Adobe font.
  • availableForEditing: boolean, indicating whether the user has access or licensing permissions to create or edit content with this font.
  • family: string, the font family name, as you would find in the Text panel's UI.
  • postscriptName: string, the PostScript name of the font.
  • style: string, the style of the font (e.g., "Regular", "Bold", "Italic").

You can log font and inspect it to find the actual PostScript name.

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// sandbox/code.js
import { editor } from "express-document-sdk";
// Assuming the user has selected a text frame
const textNode = editor.context.selection[0];
const contentModel = textNode.fullContent;
// Get the array of character styles
const existingStyles = contentModel.characterStyleRanges;
// Log the font of the first style
// {
// isPremium: false
// availableForEditing: true
// family: "Source Sans 3"
// postscriptName: "SourceSans3-Regular"
// style: "Regular"
// }

Example: Setting all Fonts

Similarly to what we've seen with other styles, you can set the font in a range by reassigning the characterStyleRanges array.

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// sandbox/code.js
import { editor, fonts } from "express-document-sdk";
// Assuming the user has selected a text frame
const textNode = editor.context.selection[0];
const contentModel = textNode.fullContent;
const sourceSansBold = await fonts.fromPostscriptName("SourceSans3-Bold");
if (!sourceSansBold) return;
// Get the array of character styles
const existingStyles = contentModel.characterStyleRanges;
// Set the font for all styles
existingStyles.forEach((style) => {
style.font = sourceSansBold;
// Alternatively, you could set the font for a specific style range
// existingStyles[0].font = sourceSansBold;
// Reassign the array to apply the style changes
editor.queueAsyncEdit(() => {
contentModel.characterStyleRanges = existingStyles;

Dealing with Text Flow

With the introduction of "Text Flow" in Adobe Express (allowing content to move freely between multiple text frames), the concept of a text node had to be separated from text content.

The fullContent property points to a TextContentModel object, which contains the actual text content that multiple TextNode instances can share.


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// sandbox/code.js
import { editor } from "express-document-sdk";
// Assuming the user has selected a text frame that contains
// text spanning to multiple text nodes
const selectedTextNode = editor.context.selection[0];
// Log all the text nodes that share the same TextContentModel
for (const textNode of selectedTextNode.fullContent.allTextNodes) {
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