After signing in, you can create credentials that can be used to call the Platform APIs.
Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Streaming ingestion allows you to send data from client and server-side devices to Experience Platform in real time. Platform supports the use of data inlets to stream incoming experience data, which is persisted in streaming-enabled datasets within the data lake. Data inlets can be configured to automatically authenticate the data they collect, ensuring that the data is coming from a trusted source.
Related Documentation:
Visualize API calls with Postman (a free, third-party software):
API paths:
Required headers:
and x-sandbox-name
. Authorized/authenticated accounts will need the
header. For more information on how to obtain the Authorization
value, see the
authentication tutorial.API error handling:
Streaming ingestion allows you to send data from client and server-side devices to Experience Platform in real-time. It drives Real-Time Customer Profile by creating personalized experiences.
Authorization | string The access token which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration, prefixed with "Bearer ". The authorization header is only required for inlets whose clients have enabled Authorization. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
x-sandbox-name required | string The name of the sandbox in which the operation will take place. See the sandboxes overview documentation for more information. |
Content-Type required | string The media type being sent in the request payload. For JSON formatted payloads the value must be set to application/json. The endpoint also accepts payloads encoded in Smile format, which requires the value to be set to application/x-jackson-smile. |
The data that you want to ingest to Platform.
required | object (messageHeader) This payload header describes the payload information and is necessary for the transport and reconstruction of the original resource. It ensures that the packet is received at it's destination. |
required | object (messageBody) The payload body contains information on the data that you want to send. |
Bad request
Payload size
Rate limit
Internal server error
Service unavailable
{- "header": {
- "schemaRef": {
- "contentType": "application/vnd.adobe.xed-full+json;version={SCHEMA_VERSION}"
}, - "imsOrgId": "5C1328435BF324E90A49402A@AdobeOrg",
- "datasetId": "5da9452f7de80400007jc52a",
- "createdAt": "1526283801869",
- "flowId": "69f188b6-af07-4587-8061-e94d34637b41",
- "source": {
- "name": "ACME Streaming Connection"
}, - "body": {
- "xdmMeta": {
- "schemaRef": {
- "contentType": "application/vnd.adobe.xed-full+json;version={SCHEMA_VERSION}"
}, - "xdmEntity": {
- "person": {
- "name": {
- "firstName": "Jane",
- "middleName": "F",
- "lastName": "Doe"
}, - "birthDate": "1969-03-14",
- "gender": "female"
}, - "workEmail": {
- "primary": true,
- "address": "",
- "type": "work",
- "status": "active"
{- "inletId": "667b41cf2dbf3509927da1ebf7e93c20afa727cc8d8373e51da18b62e1b985ec",
- "xactionId": "1532625558467:0001:13",
- "receivedTimeMs": "1551307525735"
This endpoint can receive multiple messages. The message format remains identical to the one sent in a POST request to /collection/{CONNECTION_ID}
Authorization | string The access token which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration, prefixed with "Bearer ". The authorization header is only required for inlets whose clients have enabled Authorization. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
x-sandbox-name required | string The name of the sandbox in which the operation will take place. See the sandboxes overview documentation for more information. |
Content-Type required | string The media type being sent in the request payload. For JSON formatted payloads the value must be set to |
The data that you want to ingest to Platform.
Array of objects (BatchMessageArray) The array of messages to be published. |
Bad request
Payload error
Rate limit
Internal server error
Service unavailable
{- "messages": [
- {
- "header": {
- "schemaRef": {
- "contentType": "application/vnd.adobe.xed-full+json;version={SCHEMA_VERSION}"
}, - "imsOrgId": "5C1328435BF324E90A49402A@AdobeOrg",
- "datasetId": "5da9452f7de80400007jc52a",
- "flowId": "69f188b6-af07-4587-8061-e94d34637b41",
- "source": {
- "name": "Streaming dataflow - 06/07/2022 3:09 PM"
}, - "body": {
- "xdmMeta": {
- "schemaRef": {
- "contentType": "application/vnd.adobe.xed-full+json;version={SCHEMA_VERSION}"
}, - "xdmEntity": {
- "_id": "9af5adcc-db9c-4692-b826-65d3abe68c22",
- "timestamp": "2019-02-23T22:07:01Z",
- "environment": {
- "browserDetails": {
- "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1547.57 Safari/537.36 OPR/16.0.1196.62",
- "acceptLanguage": "en-US",
- "cookiesEnabled": "true",
- "javaScriptVersion": "1.6",
- "javaEnabled": true
}, - "colorDepth": 32,
- "viewportHeight": 799,
- "viewportWidth": 414
}, - "productListItems": [
- {
- "SKU": "CC",
- "name": "Fernie Snow",
- "quantity": 30,
- "priceTotal": 7.8
], - "commerce": {
- "productViews": {
- "value": 1
}, - "_experience": {
- "campaign": {
- "message": {
- "profileSnapshot": {
- "workEmail": {
- "address": ""
{- "inletId": "9b0cb233972f3b0092992284c7353f5eead496218e8441a79b25e9421ea127f5",
- "batchId": "1565638336649:1750:244",
- "receivedTimeMs": 1565638336705,
- "responses": [
- {
- "xactionId": "1565650704337:2124:92:3"