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Audit Query API (1.0)

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Adobe Experience Platform allows you to audit user activity for various services and capabilities in the form of audit logs. Each action recorded in a log contains metadata that indicates the action type, date and time, the email ID of the user who performed the action, and additional attributes relevant to the action type.

Use the Audit Query API to programmatically view and export audit logs recorded by the system.

(NEW) Interactive API documentation

You can now interact with the Experience Platform API endpoints directly from this API reference page. Get your authentication credentials and use the Try it functionality in the right rail. Note that by using this functionality, you are making real API calls. Keep this in mind when you interact with production sandboxes.

Audit events

Audit events are timestamped records of observed activities in Platform. The API allows you to query events over the last 90 days and create export requests.

List audit events

query Parameters
Array of strings

You can filter list results by including a property query parameter. The value must be an array that contains one or more of a list of properties, where each property is prefixed with property and seperated with a ? (for example: ?property=action==create&property=assetType==Sandbox). If multiple values for the property parameter are provided, then all filters must match in order for an event to be returned. Only the last 10,000 records are displayed irrespective of the various filters selected.

The properties that can be used for filtering are type, timestamp, status, action, user, assetType, assetId, assetName, and requestId.

When filtering by timestamp, it is best practice to use a range using > and < operators rather than an exact value. For example: ?property=timestamp<2020-02-08T02:46:48.610862Z&property=timestamp>2020-01-01T02:46:48.610862Z.

If you want to filter results using multiple values for a single filter, pass in a comma-separated list of values. For example, property=action==create,update returns audit events whose action property is either create or update.

You can order list results by including an orderBy query parameter. The value may be one or more properties which are listed in ordering priority. The name of a property may be prefixed with a + to indicate ascending ordering or - to indicate descending ordering. By default, the list is returned in descending order on the timestamp property. If a property is provided without a prefix, it will by sorted in ascending order.

integer <int32>
Default: 50

The maximum number of results to return.

integer <int32>

A pointer to the first item for the returned search results. To access the next page of results, this parameter should increment by the same amount indicated by limit. For example, to access the next page of results for a request with limit=50, use the parameter start=50, then start=100 for the page after that, and so on.


When making a query to the /audit/events endpoint, the response includes a queryId string property. If you wish to make the same query in a separate call, you can include the ID value as a single query parameter instead of having to manually configure the search parameters again.

header Parameters

The access token which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration, prefixed with "Bearer ". For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial.


The API key which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial.


The Organization ID which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial.


The name of the sandbox in which the operation will take place. See the sandboxes overview documentation for more information.


A tracing ID associated with the request. If one is not provided on the request, the server generates one automatically.


List of audit events retrieved


Malformed request


Resource not found

Response samples
  • "_embedded": {
  • "page": {
  • "queryId": "cXVlcnlJZD0xYjA4MDM4MV81ZWNkXzRjNTZfYTM2N18zYWExOWI5YzNhNTlfMTYyODExNDY5MTg1NSZ0b3RhbEVsZW1lbnRzPTI2"

Export a list of audit events

query Parameters
Array of strings

You can filter list results by including a property query parameter. The value must be an array that contains one or more of a list of properties, where each property is prefixed with property and seperated with a ? (for example: ?property=action==create&property=assetType==Sandbox). If multiple values for the property parameter are provided, then all filters must match in order for an event to be returned. Only the last 10,000 records are displayed irrespective of the various filters selected.

The properties that can be used for filtering are type, timestamp, status, action, user, assetType, assetId, assetName, and requestId.

When filtering by timestamp, it is best practice to use a range using > and < operators rather than an exact value. For example: ?property=timestamp<2020-02-08T02:46:48.610862Z&property=timestamp>2020-01-01T02:46:48.610862Z.

If you want to filter results using multiple values for a single filter, pass in a comma-separated list of values. For example, property=action==create,update returns audit events whose action property is either create or update.

You can order list results by including an orderBy query parameter. The value may be one or more properties which are listed in ordering priority. The name of a property may be prefixed with a + to indicate ascending ordering or - to indicate descending ordering. By default, the list is returned in descending order on the timestamp property. If a property is provided without a prefix, it will by sorted in ascending order.

header Parameters

The access token which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration, prefixed with "Bearer ". For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial.


The API key which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial.


The Organization ID which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial.


The name of the sandbox in which the operation will take place. See the sandboxes overview documentation for more information.


A tracing ID associated with the request. If one is not provided on the request, the server generates one automatically.


No results found


Export successful; download link provided


Malformed request


Resource not found
