After signing in, you can create credentials that can be used to call the Platform APIs.
Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Access Control in Adobe Experience Platform allows organization administrators to assign roles and permissions for various Platform capabilities. The Access Control API provides a public endpoint to retrieve effective policies for a user on given resources within a specified sandbox. All other access control capabilities are provided through the Adobe Admin Console.
Related documentation:
Visualize API calls with Postman (a free, third-party software):
API paths:
Required headers:
, x-gw-ims-org-id
, and x-api-key
. For more information on how to obtain these values, see the authentication tutorial.x-sandbox-name
whose value is the all-lowercase name of the sandbox the operation will take place in (for example, "prod"). See the sandboxes overview for more information.Content-Type
with a value of application/json
.You can now interact with the Experience Platform API endpoints directly from this API reference page. Get your authentication credentials and use the Try it functionality in the right rail. Note that by using this functionality, you are making real API calls. Keep this in mind when you interact with production sandboxes.
Access control policies provide information about resources and permissions for the current user. More information about using this set of endpoints can be found in the access control endpoint guide.
Authorization required | string The access token which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration, prefixed with "Bearer ". For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. If a user token is being passed, then the user of the token must have an “org admin” role for the requested org. |
x-api-key required | string The API key which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
x-gw-ims-org-id required | string The Organization ID which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
x-sandbox-name required | string The name of the sandbox in which the operation will take place. See the sandboxes overview documentation for more information. |
Successful operation
Bad request
Internal server error
{- "permissions": {
- "export-audience-for-segment": {
- "segments": [
- "read"
}, - "manage-datasets": {
- "connection": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "datasets": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "datasets-data": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "dule-label": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "schemas": [
- "read"
}, - "manage-identity-namespaces": {
- "identity-namespaces": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
}, - "manage-profiles": {
- "datasets": [
- "read",
- "write"
], - "profile-configs": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "profile-datasets": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "profiles": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "schemas": [
- "read"
], - "segment-jobs": [
- "write"
], - "segments": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
}, - "manage-sandboxes": {
- "sandboxes": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
}, - "manage-shemas": {
- "classes": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "data-types": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "identity-descriptor": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "mixins": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "relationship-descriptor": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "schemas": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
}, - "reset-sandboxes": {
- "reset-sandboxes": [
- "read",
- "write"
}, - "view-datasets": {
- "connection": [
- "read"
], - "datasets": [
- "read"
], - "datasets-data": [
- "read"
], - "dule-label": [
- "read"
], - "schemas": [
- "read"
}, - "view-identity-namespaces": {
- "identity-namespaces": [
- "read"
}, - "view-monitoring-dashboard": {
- "datasets": [
- "read"
], - "datasets-data": [
- "read"
], - "monitoring": [
- "read"
}, - "view-profiles": {
- "datasets": [
- "read"
], - "profile-configs": [
- "read"
], - "profile-datasets": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "profiles": [
- "read"
], - "schemas": [
- "read"
], - "segments": [
- "read"
}, - "view-sandboxes": {
- "sandboxes": [
- "read"
}, - "view-schemas": {
- "classes": [
- "read"
], - "data-types": [
- "read"
], - "identity-descriptor": [
- "read"
], - "mixins": [
- "read"
], - "relationship-descriptor": [
- "read"
], - "schemas": [
- "read"
}, - "resource-types": {
- "classes": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "connection": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "data-types": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "datasets": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "datasets-data": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "dule-label": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "identity-descriptor": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "identity-namespaces": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "mixins": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "monitoring": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "profile-configs": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "profile-datasets": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "profiles": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "relationship-descriptor": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "reset-sandboxes": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "sandboxes": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "schemas": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "segment-jobs": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
], - "segments": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
You can list all the effective policies for a user on a given resources within a sandbox by making a POST request to the /acl/effective-policies
Authorization required | string The access token which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration, prefixed with "Bearer ". For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. If a user token is being passed, then the user of the token must have an “org admin” role for the requested org. |
x-api-key required | string The API key which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
x-gw-ims-org-id required | string The Organization ID which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
x-sandbox-name required | string The name of the sandbox in which the operation will take place. See the sandboxes overview documentation for more information. |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
List of resource urls. Example url : /resource-types/{resourceName} or /permissions/{highLevelPermissionName}
The permissions and resource types associated with the given schema.
Successful operation
"[ '/resource-types/schemas': [ 'write', 'delete', 'read' '], '/permissions/manage-schemas': [ '*' ] ]"
Attribute based access control roles define the access that an administrator, a specialist, or an end-user has to resources in your organization. More information about using this set of endpoints can be found in the roles endpoint guide.
Authorization required | string The access token which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration, prefixed with "Bearer ". For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. If a user token is being passed, then the user of the token must have an “org admin” role for the requested org. |
x-api-key required | string The API key which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
x-gw-ims-org-id required | string The Organization ID which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
Successful operation
{- "roles": [
- {
- "id": "3dfa045d-de58-4dfd-8ea9-e4e2c1b6d809",
- "name": "Administrator Role",
- "description": "Role for administrator type of responsibilities and access.",
- "roleType": "user-defined",
- "permissionSets": [
- "manage-datasets",
- "manage-schemas"
], - "sandboxes": [
- "prod"
], - "subjectAttributes": {
- "labels": [
- "core/S1"
}, - "createdBy": "example@AdobeID",
- "createdAt": 1648153201825,
- "modifiedBy": "example@AdobeID",
- "modifiedAt": 1648153201825,
- "etag": null
], - "_page": {
- "limit": 1,
- "count": 1
}, - "_links": {
- "next": {
- "templated": true
}, - "page": {
- "templated": true
}, - "subjects": {
- "templated": true
Authorization required | string The access token which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration, prefixed with "Bearer ". For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. If a user token is being passed, then the user of the token must have an “org admin” role for the requested org. |
x-api-key required | string The API key which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
x-gw-ims-org-id required | string The Organization ID which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
The request body for creating a role.
Successful operation
{- "name": "People who ordered in the last 30 days",
- "description": "Role for administrator type of responsibilities and access.",
- "roleType": "user-defined"
{- "id": "3dfa045d-de58-4dfd-8ea9-e4e2c1b6d809",
- "name": "Administrator Role",
- "description": "Role for administrator type of responsibilities and access.",
- "roleType": "user-defined",
- "permissionSets": [
- "manage-datasets",
- "manage-schemas"
], - "sandboxes": [
- "prod"
], - "subjectAttributes": {
- "labels": [
- "core/S1"
}, - "createdBy": "example@AdobeID",
- "createdAt": 1648153201825,
- "modifiedBy": "example@AdobeID",
- "modifiedAt": 1648153201825,
- "etag": null
Authorization required | string The access token which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration, prefixed with "Bearer ". For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. If a user token is being passed, then the user of the token must have an “org admin” role for the requested org. |
x-api-key required | string The API key which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
x-gw-ims-org-id required | string The Organization ID which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
Successful operation
{- "id": "3dfa045d-de58-4dfd-8ea9-e4e2c1b6d809",
- "name": "Administrator Role",
- "description": "Role for administrator type of responsibilities and access.",
- "roleType": "user-defined",
- "permissionSets": [
- "manage-datasets",
- "manage-schemas"
], - "sandboxes": [
- "prod"
], - "subjectAttributes": {
- "labels": [
- "core/S1"
}, - "createdBy": "example@AdobeID",
- "createdAt": 1648153201825,
- "modifiedBy": "example@AdobeID",
- "modifiedAt": 1648153201825,
- "etag": null
Authorization required | string The access token which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration, prefixed with "Bearer ". For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. If a user token is being passed, then the user of the token must have an “org admin” role for the requested org. |
x-api-key required | string The API key which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
x-gw-ims-org-id required | string The Organization ID which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
The request body for updating a role.
Successful operation
{- "op": "add",
- "path": "/description",
- "value": "Role for administrator type of responsibilities and access."
{- "id": "3dfa045d-de58-4dfd-8ea9-e4e2c1b6d809",
- "name": "Administrator Role",
- "description": "Role for administrator type of responsibilities and access.",
- "roleType": "user-defined",
- "permissionSets": [
- "manage-datasets",
- "manage-schemas"
], - "sandboxes": [
- "prod"
], - "subjectAttributes": {
- "labels": [
- "core/S1"
}, - "createdBy": "example@AdobeID",
- "createdAt": 1648153201825,
- "modifiedBy": "example@AdobeID",
- "modifiedAt": 1648153201825,
- "etag": null
Authorization required | string The access token which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration, prefixed with "Bearer ". For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. If a user token is being passed, then the user of the token must have an “org admin” role for the requested org. |
x-api-key required | string The API key which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
x-gw-ims-org-id required | string The Organization ID which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
The request body for updating a role using the role ID.
Successful operation
{- "name": "Administrator Role",
- "description": "Role for administrator type of responsibilities and access.",
- "roleType": "user-defined"
{- "id": "3dfa045d-de58-4dfd-8ea9-e4e2c1b6d809",
- "name": "Administrator Role",
- "description": "Role for administrator type of responsibilities and access.",
- "roleType": "user-defined",
- "permissionSets": [
- "manage-datasets",
- "manage-schemas"
], - "sandboxes": [
- "prod"
], - "subjectAttributes": {
- "labels": [
- "core/S1"
}, - "createdBy": "example@AdobeID",
- "createdAt": 1648153201825,
- "modifiedBy": "example@AdobeID",
- "modifiedAt": 1648153201825,
- "etag": null
Authorization required | string The access token which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration, prefixed with "Bearer ". For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. If a user token is being passed, then the user of the token must have an “org admin” role for the requested org. |
x-api-key required | string The API key which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
x-gw-ims-org-id required | string The Organization ID which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
A successful response returns HTTP status 204 (No Content) and a blank body.
{ }
Authorization required | string The access token which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration, prefixed with "Bearer ". For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. If a user token is being passed, then the user of the token must have an “org admin” role for the requested org. |
x-api-key required | string The API key which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
x-gw-ims-org-id required | string The Organization ID which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
Successful operation
{- "items": [
- [
- {
- "roleId": "3dfa045d-de58-4dfd-8ea9-e4e2c1b6d809",
- "subjectType": "user",
- "subjectId": "03Z07HFQCCUF3TUHAX274206@AdobeID"
}, - {
- "roleId": "3dfa045d-de58-4dfd-8ea9-e4e2c1b6d809",
- "subjectType": "user",
- "subjectId": "PIRJ7WE5T3QT9Z4TCLVH86DE@AdobeID"
}, - {
- "roleId": "3dfa045d-de58-4dfd-8ea9-e4e2c1b6d809",
- "subjectType": "user",
- "subjectId": "WHPWE00MC26SHZ7AKBFG403D@AdobeID"
], - "_page": {
- "limit": 1,
- "count": 3
}, - "_links": {
- "self": {
- "templated": true
Authorization required | string The access token which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration, prefixed with "Bearer ". For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. If a user token is being passed, then the user of the token must have an “org admin” role for the requested org. |
x-api-key required | string The API key which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
x-gw-ims-org-id required | string The Organization ID which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
Update the subjects associated with a given a role ID.
Successful operation
{- "op": "add",
- "path": "/user",
- "value": "example@AdobeID"
{- "subjects": [
- [
- {
- "subjectId": "03Z07HFQCCUF3TUHAX274206@AdobeID",
- "subjectType": "user"
], - "_page": {
- "limit": 1,
- "count": 1
}, - "_links": {
- "self": {
- "templated": true
Attribute based access control policies are statements that bring attributes together to establish permissible and impermissible actions. More information about using this set of endpoints can be found in the policies endpoint guide.
Authorization required | string The access token which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration, prefixed with "Bearer ". For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. If a user token is being passed, then the user of the token must have an “org admin” role for the requested org. |
x-api-key required | string The API key which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
x-gw-ims-org-id required | string The Organization ID which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
Successful operation
{- "policies": [
- {
- "id": "7019068e-a3a0-48ce-b56b-008109470592",
- "imsOrgId": "5555467B5D8013E50A494220@AdobeOrg",
- "createdBy": "example@AdobeID",
- "createdAt": 1652892767559,
- "modifiedBy": "example@AdobeID",
- "modifiedAt": 1652895736367,
- "name": "schema-field",
- "description": "schema-field",
- "status": "inactive",
- "subjectCondition": null,
- "rules": [
- {
- "effect": "Deny",
- "resource": "/orgs/5555467B5D8013E50A494220@AdobeOrg/sandboxes/xql/schemas/*/schema-fields/*",
- "condition": "{\"adobe.match_all_labels_by_prefix\":[{\"var\":\"subject.roles.labels\"},\"core/\",{\"var\":\"resource.labels\"}]}",
- "actions": [
- "",
- "com.adobe.action.write",
- "com.adobe.action.view"
}, - {
- "effect": "Permit",
- "resource": "/orgs/5555467B5D8013E50A494220@AdobeOrg/sandboxes/*/schemas/*/schema-fields/*",
- "condition": "{\"adobe.match_all_labels_by_prefix\":[{\"var\":\"subject.roles.labels\"},\"core/\",{\"var\":\"resource.labels\"}]}",
- "actions": [
- "com.adobe.action.delete"
}, - {
- "effect": "Deny",
- "resource": "/orgs/5555467B5D8013E50A494220@AdobeOrg/sandboxes/delete-sandbox-adfengine-test-8/segments/*",
- "condition": "{\"!\":[{\"adobe.match_any_labels_by_prefix\":[{\"var\":\"subject.roles.labels\"},\"custom/\",{\"var\":\"resource.labels\"}]}]}",
- "actions": [
- "com.adobe.action.write"
], - "etag": "\"0300593f-0000-0200-0000-62852ff80000\""
Authorization required | string The access token which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration, prefixed with "Bearer ". For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. If a user token is being passed, then the user of the token must have an “org admin” role for the requested org. |
x-api-key required | string The API key which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
x-gw-ims-org-id required | string The Organization ID which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
The request body for creating a policy.
Successful operation
{- "name": "acme-integration-policy",
- "description": "Policy for ACME.",
- "imsOrgID": "5555467B5D8013E50A494220@AdobeOrg",
- "rules": {
- "effect": "Permit",
- "resource": "/orgs/5555467B5D8013E50A494220@AdobeOrg/sandboxes/*",
- "condition": "{\"or\":[{\"adobe.match_any_labels_by_prefix\":[{\"var\":\"subject.roles.labels\"},\"core/\",{\"var\":\"resource.labels\"}]},{\"!\":[{\"adobe.match_all_labels_by_prefix\":[{\"var\":\"subject.roles.labels\"},\"core/\",{\"var\":\"resource.labels\"}]}]}]}",
- "actions": [
- ""
[- {
- "id": "c3863937-5d40-448d-a7be-416e538f955e",
- "imsOrgId": "5555467B5D8013E50A494220@AdobeOrg",
- "createdBy": "example@AdobeID",
- "createdAt": 1652988384458,
- "modifiedBy": "example@AdobeID",
- "modifiedAt": 1652988384458,
- "name": "acme-integration-policy",
- "description": "Policy for ACME.",
- "status": "active",
- "subjectCondition": null,
- "rules": [
- {
- "effect": "Permit",
- "resource": "/orgs/5555467B5D8013E50A494220@AdobeOrg/sandboxes/*",
- "condition": "{\"or\":[{\"adobe.match_any_labels_by_prefix\":[{\"var\":\"subject.roles.labels\"},\"core/\",{\"var\":\"resource.labels\"}]},{\"!\":[{\"adobe.match_all_labels_by_prefix\":[{\"var\":\"subject.roles.labels\"},\"core/\",{\"var\":\"resource.labels\"}]}]}]}",
- "actions": [
- ""
], - "_etag": null
Authorization required | string The access token which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration, prefixed with "Bearer ". For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. If a user token is being passed, then the user of the token must have an “org admin” role for the requested org. |
x-api-key required | string The API key which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
x-gw-ims-org-id required | string The Organization ID which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
Successful operation
{- "policies": [
- {
- "id": "7019068e-a3a0-48ce-b56b-008109470592",
- "imsOrgId": "5555467B5D8013E50A494220@AdobeOrg",
- "createdBy": "example@AdobeID",
- "createdAt": 1652892767559,
- "modifiedBy": "example@AdobeID",
- "modifiedAt": 1652895736367,
- "name": "schema-field",
- "description": "schema-field",
- "status": "inactive",
- "subjectCondition": null,
- "rules": [
- {
- "effect": "Deny",
- "resource": "/orgs/5555467B5D8013E50A494220@AdobeOrg/sandboxes/xql/schemas/*/schema-fields/*",
- "condition": "{\"adobe.match_all_labels_by_prefix\":[{\"var\":\"subject.roles.labels\"},\"core/\",{\"var\":\"resource.labels\"}]}",
- "actions": [
- "",
- "com.adobe.action.write",
- "com.adobe.action.view"
}, - {
- "effect": "Permit",
- "resource": "/orgs/5555467B5D8013E50A494220@AdobeOrg/sandboxes/*/schemas/*/schema-fields/*",
- "condition": "{\"adobe.match_all_labels_by_prefix\":[{\"var\":\"subject.roles.labels\"},\"core/\",{\"var\":\"resource.labels\"}]}",
- "actions": [
- "com.adobe.action.delete"
}, - {
- "effect": "Deny",
- "resource": "/orgs/5555467B5D8013E50A494220@AdobeOrg/sandboxes/delete-sandbox-adfengine-test-8/segments/*",
- "condition": "{\"!\":[{\"adobe.match_any_labels_by_prefix\":[{\"var\":\"subject.roles.labels\"},\"custom/\",{\"var\":\"resource.labels\"}]}]}",
- "actions": [
- "com.adobe.action.write"
], - "etag": "\"0300593f-0000-0200-0000-62852ff80000\""
Authorization required | string The access token which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration, prefixed with "Bearer ". For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. If a user token is being passed, then the user of the token must have an “org admin” role for the requested org. |
x-api-key required | string The API key which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
x-gw-ims-org-id required | string The Organization ID which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
The request body for updating a policy using the policy ID.
Successful operation
{- "id": "8cf487d7-3642-4243-a8ea-213d72f694b9",
- "imsOrgID": "5555467B5D8013E50A494220@AdobeOrg",
- "name": "acme-integration-policy",
- "rules": [
- {
- "effect": "Deny",
- "resource": "/orgs/5555467B5D8013E50A494220@AdobeOrg/sandboxes/*",
- "condition": "{\"or\":[{\"adobe.match_any_labels_by_prefix\":[{\"var\":\"subject.roles.labels\"},\"core/\",{\"var\":\"resource.labels\"}]},{\"!\":[{\"adobe.match_all_labels_by_prefix\":[{\"var\":\"subject.roles.labels\"},\"core/\",{\"var\":\"resource.labels\"}]}]}]}",
- "actions": [
- ""
[- {
- "id": "8cf487d7-3642-4243-a8ea-213d72f694b9",
- "imsOrgId": "5555467B5D8013E50A494220@AdobeOrg",
- "createdBy": "example@AdobeID",
- "createdAt": 1652988866647,
- "modifiedBy": "example@AdobeID",
- "modifiedAt": 1652989297287,
- "name": "acme-integration-policy",
- "description": "Policy for ACME.",
- "status": "active",
- "subjectCondition": null,
- "rules": [
- {
- "effect": "Deny",
- "resource": "/orgs/5555467B5D8013E50A494220@AdobeOrg/sandboxes/*",
- "condition": "{\"or\":[{\"adobe.match_any_labels_by_prefix\":[{\"var\":\"subject.roles.labels\"},\"core/\",{\"var\":\"resource.labels\"}]},{\"!\":[{\"adobe.match_all_labels_by_prefix\":[{\"var\":\"subject.roles.labels\"},\"core/\",{\"var\":\"resource.labels\"}]}]}]}",
- "actions": [
- ""
], - "_etag": null
Authorization required | string The access token which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration, prefixed with "Bearer ". For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. If a user token is being passed, then the user of the token must have an “org admin” role for the requested org. |
x-api-key required | string The API key which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
x-gw-ims-org-id required | string The Organization ID which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
The request body for updating a policy.
Successful operation
{- "op": "replace",
- "path": "/description",
- "value": "Policy for ACME."
[- {
- "id": "8cf487d7-3642-4243-a8ea-213d72f694b9",
- "imsOrgId": "5555467B5D8013E50A494220@AdobeOrg",
- "createdBy": "example@AdobeID",
- "createdAt": 1652988866647,
- "modifiedBy": "example@AdobeID",
- "modifiedAt": 1652989297287,
- "name": "acme-integration-policy",
- "description": "Policy for ACME.",
- "status": "active",
- "subjectCondition": null,
- "rules": [
- {
- "effect": "Deny",
- "resource": "/orgs/5555467B5D8013E50A494220@AdobeOrg/sandboxes/*",
- "condition": "{\"or\":[{\"adobe.match_any_labels_by_prefix\":[{\"var\":\"subject.roles.labels\"},\"core/\",{\"var\":\"resource.labels\"}]},{\"!\":[{\"adobe.match_all_labels_by_prefix\":[{\"var\":\"subject.roles.labels\"},\"core/\",{\"var\":\"resource.labels\"}]}]}]}",
- "actions": [
- ""
], - "_etag": null
Authorization required | string The access token which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration, prefixed with "Bearer ". For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. If a user token is being passed, then the user of the token must have an “org admin” role for the requested org. |
x-api-key required | string The API key which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
x-gw-ims-org-id required | string The Organization ID which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
A successful response returns HTTP status 204 (No Content) and a blank body.
{ }
Attribute based access control products endpoints allow you to manage products as well as permission categories and permission sets associated with products in your organization. More information about using this set of endpoints can be found in the products endpoint guide.
Authorization required | string The access token which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration, prefixed with "Bearer ". For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. If a user token is being passed, then the user of the token must have an “org admin” role for the requested org. |
x-api-key required | string The API key which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
x-gw-ims-org-id required | string The Organization ID which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
Successful operation
{- "products": [
- {
- "id": 4525859963018,
- "name": "Adobe Experience Platform",
- "serviceCode": "{SERVICE_CODE}"
Authorization required | string The access token which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration, prefixed with "Bearer ". For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. If a user token is being passed, then the user of the token must have an “org admin” role for the requested org. |
x-api-key required | string The API key which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
x-gw-ims-org-id required | string The Organization ID which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
Successful operation
{- "categories": [
- {
- "name": "Profile Management"
}, - {
- "name": "Data Ingestion"
}, - {
- "name": "Sandbox Administration"
}, - {
- "name": "Query Service"
}, - {
- "name": "Data Management"
}, - {
- "name": "Identity Management"
}, - {
- "name": "Data Modeling"
}, - {
- "name": "Data Science Workspace"
}, - {
- "name": "Dashboards"
}, - {
- "name": "Alerts"
}, - {
- "name": "Data Governance"
Authorization required | string The access token which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration, prefixed with "Bearer ". For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. If a user token is being passed, then the user of the token must have an “org admin” role for the requested org. |
x-api-key required | string The API key which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
x-gw-ims-org-id required | string The Organization ID which can be copied from your Experience Platform integration. For more information on how to obtain this value, visit the authentication tutorial. |
Successful operation
{- "permission-sets": [
- {
- "id": "manage-schemas",
- "name": "Manage Schemas",
- "category": "Data Modeling",
- "permissions": {
- "example": [
- {
- "resource": "schemas",
- "actions": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
}, - {
- "resource": "schema-fields",
- "actions": [
- "read",
- "write",
- "delete"
}, - {
- "resource": "sandboxes",
- "actions": [
- "view"
}, - {
- "id": "view-schemas",
- "name": "View Schemas",
- "category": "Data Modeling",
- "permissions": {
- "example": [
- {
- "resource": "schemas",
- "actions": [
- "read"
}, - {
- "resource": "schema-fields",
- "actions": [
- "read"
}, - {
- "resource": "sandboxes",
- "actions": [
- "view"