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Adobe PDF Services API Overview

Video overview of how Adobe Document Generation API, Adobe Sign API, PDF Services API, PDF Embed API, and PDF Extract API can help you automate document processes within your apps.


Make PDFs Searchable (OCR)

Make PDFs Searchable (OCR) After Importing into SharePoint | by Ben Vanderberg | Adobe Tech Blog | Medium

Generate Documents

Learn how you can generate and send documents in bulk using Adobe Acrobat Sign, Document Generation API,and Microsoft Power Automate.

Digging Out Data with Adobe PDF Extract API

There is an untold amount of scientific data in the millions of reports and scientific studies over the past few centuries.


All tutorials
Find tutorials from novice to expert to help you expand your skills.

Help Preview the Adobe Export and Import Form Data API

We’ve recently released two oft-requested APIs for Adobe Acrobat Services, the ability to both export and import form da

Adobe Acrobat Services SDKs Updated and Revised

Over the past few months, we’ve been working to improve and expand the power of our SDKs and with the most recent update

Introducing the Adobe PDF Watermark API

Watermarks provide an important feature for PDFs by allowing you to ‘mark’ a document. This can be used to signify who t

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