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Interested in joining the Beta Program for the Adobe Import/Export Form Data APIs?

The Import/Export PDF Form Data APIs programmatically import and export data from form fields at scale.

Primary capabilities of the Export PDF Form Data API include:

  • Export the form data as key/value pairs from a filled interactive PDF form (AcroForm/Static XFA).

  • Export the JSON structure from an empty interactive PDF form (AcroForm/Static XFA), to populate with values for use in the Import Form Data service.

Primary capabilities of the Import PDF Form Data API include:

  • Import the form data from key/value pair into an empty interactive PDF form (AcroForm/Static XFA).

Use this form to have an Adobe representative contact you with more information about the Beta program or to answer other questions you have about the APIs. For additional information, please refer to the documentation.

Request access to the Beta Program
For technical inquiries, submit a tech support request here.
Expected Monthly Volume
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By clicking Submit, I agree that I have read and accepted the License Agreement for Prerelease Software, Import/Export PDF Form Data API Beta.