placeNegotiableQuoteOrder mutation
The placeNegotiableQuoteOrder
mutation converts a negotiable quote into an order and returns an order ID.
The negotiable quote must have one of the following statuses:
If the status is DECLINED or EXPIRED, the negotiable quote is processed like a standard cart, without applying any discounts. The negotiable quote is not converted to a standard cart.
Perform the following actions before using the placeNegotiableQuoteOrder
mutation. It might be necessary to perform additional steps during the process of coming to an agreement during the negotiable quote lifecycle.
- Create an empty cart
- Add one or more products to the cart
- Request a negotiable quote
- Set the billing address
- Set the shipping address
- Set the shipping method
- Set the payment method
You cannot manage orders with GraphQL, because orders are part of the backend. You can use REST or SOAP calls to manage orders to their completion.
Copied to your clipboardmutation {placeNegotiableQuoteOrder(input: PlaceNegotiableQuoteOrderInput) {PlaceNegotiableQuoteOrderOutput}}
The placeNegotiableQuoteOrder
reference provides detailed information about the types and fields defined in this mutation.
Example usage
Copied to your clipboardmutation {placeNegotiableQuoteOrder(input: {quote_uid: "xCA4wSZEHsb5QbFiKfoq5k1Dk8vIPBgb"}) {order {order_number}}}
Copied to your clipboard{"data": {"placeNegotiableQuoteOrder": {"order": {"order_number": "000000006"}}}}