Export API

The Adobe Commerce Reporting Export API allows you to access some of the raw data behind your Adobe Commerce Reporting dashboard.

Before using the export API, make sure you authenticate your connection.

Raw data exports

List all available raw exports

The GET /export call returns a list of raw exports available.

Endpoint:GET /exportRequest:

Copied to your clipboard
curl -H "X-RJM-API-Key: <your_key>" https://api.rjmetrics.com/0.1/export

Get a specific export

The GET /export/:idcall returns a zip-compressed CSV file containing the raw data of a completed export.

Endpoint:GET /export/:idRequest:

Copied to your clipboard
curl -H "X-RJM-API-Key: <your_key>" https://api.rjmetrics.com/0.1/export/51

Get an export description

The GET /export/:id/info call returns a description of the export with the specified ID.

Endpoint:GET /export/:id/infoRequest:

Copied to your clipboard
curl -H "X-RJM-API-Key: <your_key>" https://api.rjmetrics.com/0.1/export/51/info

Copy an export

Creates a new export with the exact same parameters as the specified export. If you specify the name parameter, the new export will be assigned its value. ​

Endpoint:POST /export/:id/copy/name=<ExportName>Request:

Copied to your clipboard
curl -d "name=New Copied Export" -H "X-RJM-API-Key: <your_key>" https://api.rjmetrics.com/0.1/export/51/copy

Data tables

Get a list of tables

The GET /client/:clientId/table call returns a list of tables in the data warehouse of the client corresponding to clientId.

Endpoint:GET /client/:clientId/tableRequest:

Copied to your clipboard
curl -H "X-RJM-API-Key: <your_key>" https://api.rjmetrics.com/0.1/client/12/table

Get a list of table columns

The GET /client/:clientId/table/:tableId call returns a list of table columns in the table corresponding to tableIid.

Endpoint:GET /client/:clientId/table/:tableIdRequest:

Copied to your clipboard
curl -H "X-RJM-API-Key: <your_key>" https://api.rjmetrics.com/0.1/client/12/table/3

Create a raw data export of a table

The POST /client/:clientId/table/:tableId/export call creates a new raw data export of the entire contents of the table corresponding to tableId. ​

Endpoint:POST /client/:clientId/table/:tableId/exportRequest:

Copied to your clipboard
curl -d "" -H "X-RJM-API-Key: <your_key>" https://api.rjmetrics.com/0.1/client/12/table/3/export


Get a list of figures

The GET /figure call returns a list of figures that are available for export.

Endpoint:GET /figureRequest:

Copied to your clipboard
curl -H "X-RJM-API-Key: your\_key" https://api.rjmetrics.com/0.1/figure

Export figure data

The POST /figure/:id/export/format=<FormatType> call outputs the data used to create the figure with the specified ID. Figure IDs can be found in the "Export Figure" dialog in the Adobe Commerce Reporting dashboard interface.

Export figure dialog

If a figure was created using the Visual Report Builder, you can specify an output format of either .csv or .json. If a figure was created using the SQL Report Builder, you can specify an output format of .csv only.

Endpoint:POST /figure/:id/export/format=<FormatType>Request:

Copied to your clipboard
curl -d "format=csv&includeColumnHeaders=1" -H "X-RJM-API-Key: your\_key" https://api.rjmetrics.com/0.1/figure/360531/export

Get a figure description

The POST /figure/:id/info call returns a description of the specified figure. Figure IDs can be found in the "Export Figure" dialog in the Adobe Commerce Reporting dashboard interface.

Endpoint:POST /figure/:id/infoRequest:

Copied to your clipboard
curl -H "X-RJM-API-Key: your\_key" https://api.rjmetrics.com/0.1/figure/360531/info


Export Specific Reports (created by cohort report builder)

Get a list of charts

The GET /chart call returns a list of charts that are available for export.

Endpoint:GET /chartRequest:

Copied to your clipboard
curl -H "X-RJM-API-Key: your\_key" https://api.rjmetrics.com/0.1/chart

Export chart data

The POST /chart/:id/export/format=<FormatType>\] call outputs the data used to create the specified chart. Chart IDs can be found in the "Export Chart" dialog in the Adobe Commerce Reporting dashboard interface.

Export chart dialog

The user can specify an output format of either .csv or .json.

Endpoint:POST /chart/:id/export/format=<FormatType>\]Request:

Copied to your clipboard
curl -d "format=csv&includeColumnHeaders=1" -H "X-RJM-API-Key: your\_key" https://api.rjmetrics.com/0.1/chart/2038112/export

Get a chart description

The POST /chart/:id/info call returns a description of the specified chart or a 404 if the chart does not exist. Chart IDs can be found in the "Export Chart" dialog in the Adobe Commerce Reporting dashboard interface.

Endpoint:POST /chart/:id/infoRequest:

Copied to your clipboard
curl -H "X-RJM-API-Key: your\_key" https://api.rjmetrics.com/0.1/chart/2038112/info