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Live Search

Live Search is a set of standalone packages for Adobe Commerce that replaces the standard search capabilities. It provides GraphQL functionality that is currently separate from the built-in GraphQL functionality provided in Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source. Live Search GraphQL requires connecting to a different endpoint and specifying a different set of HTTP headers.

You can connect to the Live Search GraphQL endpoint to test sample queries using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) in two ways:

  • Through the GraphQL Playground IDE embedded in the Commerce Admin. The embedded IDE manages the endpoint URL and required HTTP headers. To access this IDE, go to Marketing > SEO & Search > Live Search.

  • Through a standalone version of GraphQL Playground, or any other IDE, such as GraphiQL or Postman. In these applications you must specify the endpoint URL and provide a set of HTTP headers for each call.

For instructions on how to install and implement this product, see Introduction to Live Search.

Error Codes

The Live Search queries can return the following error codes when a query encounters an error.

Error CodeDescription
Catches any other error that is not recognized by the service.
Live Search exception message.
Live Search exception message.
Live Search exception message.
The request has an invalid argument.