Data Services

Commerce Data Services

A collection of APIs and tools to create, access, and manage product, catalog, and discovery data for ecommerce applications and storefronts.


Learn how to use Commerce APIs and SDKs to integrate with third-party software and build headless applications.


Use Commerce APIs and SDKs to create and manage commerce catalog data and configuration and use it to create scalable, performant storefront experiences.

Merchandising Services powered by Channels and Policies

Catalog data ingestion

Set up large, complex catalog assortments by ingesting commerce catalog data from backend systems into a centralized datastore.

Channels and Policies API

Set up and manage channels and policies for composable catalogs.

Storefront APIs with Channels and Policies

Retrieve product, search, and recommendations data from Merchandising Services and use it to create storefront experiences.

SaaS Catalog Services

Storefront APIs

Retrieve product, search, and recommendations data from Adobe Commerce and use it to create storefront experiences.

Storefront Events SDK

Explore common tools and SDKs shared across Services for Adobe Commerce.

Live Search Events

Lists the events defined in the Adobe Commerce Event SDK that are applicable to Live Search.

Product Recommendations SDK

Learn how to use the Product Recommendations SDK with Adobe Commerce to fetch recommendations programmatically in the browser.

Commerce Reporting API

Learn how to import data into your Commerce data warehouse and export raw data from your Commerce Reporting dashboards.

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