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Lesson 2: Set up Runtime Actions

In this lesson, we'll set up the Runtime actions to handle the CRUD operations. The will be able to handle multiple to-do lists, and each can have several to-do items.

Global configuration file

To avoid long to-do lists, we'll define a MAX_TODO_ITEMS value within a global configuration file that we will import from the actions folder and also from the web-src folder. We'll create the file at the root of the App Builder App and name it defaults.json:

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Then, import the value in our action todolist/index.js:

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const { MAX_TODO_ITEMS } = require('../../defaults.json');

In the next lesson, we'll also show how to import the value from the web-src folder.

Install aio-lib-state

We'll be using aio-lib-state to store the todo items, so first we install the dependency with:

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npm i --save @adobe/aio-lib-state

Then we import it:

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const stateLib = require('@adobe/aio-lib-state');

Main function

We'll setup the CRUD operations inside the main function.


First, we define an operation parameter and make it required:

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const requiredParams = ['operation'];

The operation parameter can take four possible values:

  • create to create an empty to-do list
  • read to read a to-do list
  • update to update a to-do list with a todo item
  • delete to delete a to-do list

We'll also use additional optional parameters:

  • name to identify a list
  • todo to identify a to-do inside a list
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const { operation, name, todo } = params;

CRUD operations

Next, we'll initialize the state library and retrieve a todolist value with state.get().

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const state = await stateLib.init();
let todoList = await state.get(`todolist`);
if (todoList?.value) {
todoList = todoList.value;
else {
todoList = [];

The todolist will hold all to-do listsobjects and is an empty array by default.

Finally, we'll define which operation to perform based on the value of operation and return the response:

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let body = {};
switch (operation) {
case 'create':
// Find the todo list by name
if (!todoList.find(({ name: todoListName }) => todoListName === name)) {
// If none found, create an empty list with the given name
todos: []
// Store the new list in the state storage with no expiry time
await state.put(`todolist`, todoList, { ttl: -1 });
body.message = `"${name}" added.`;
} else {
return errorResponse(400, `"${name}" already exists.`, logger);
case 'read':
// Simply return the todo lists
body.todoList = todoList;
case 'update':
if (todo) {
// Find the todo list by name
const foundTodoList = todoList.find(({ name: todoListName }) => todoListName === name);
if (foundTodoList) {
// Find the todo item by id
const todoIndex = foundTodoList.todos.findIndex(({ id }) => id === todo.id);
if (todoIndex !== -1) {
// Update the todo item
foundTodoList.todos[todoIndex] = todo;
body.message = `Todo "${todo.id}" updated in "${name}".`;
await state.put(`todolist`, todoList, { ttl: -1 });
} else {
// Create a new todo item
if (foundTodoList.todos.length < MAX_TODO_ITEMS) {
body.message = `Todo "${todo.id}" added to "${name}".`;
await state.put(`todolist`, todoList, { ttl: -1 });
} else {
return errorResponse(400, `Max ${MAX_TODO_ITEMS} todos reached for "${name}".`, logger);
} else {
return errorResponse(400, `${name} not found.`, logger);
} else {
return errorResponse(400, `Todo is missing.`, logger);
case 'delete':
// Filter out the todo list to delete by name
const updatedTodoList = todoList.filter(({ name: todoListName }) => todoListName !== name);
await state.put(`todolist`, updatedTodoList, { ttl: -1 });
body.message = `"${name}" todo list deleted.`;
return errorResponse(400, 'CRUD operation not found', logger);
return {
statusCode: 200,

For every operation except read, we are using the state.put() function to update the todolist value. We also set the time to live option to -1 so that the value of todolist won't expire.

See the full action code here.

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