Adobe Express Developer Community
Connect with other developers who are extending Adobe Express

Join us for Office Hours
Gain real-time support, engage with experts/peers, and enhance your expertise. Come talk to our team live every month at 8 AM PST.
Join our growing community of developers!
Are you extending Adobe Express with add-ons or integrating Adobe Express into your website using the Embed SDK? Join our growing developer communities at our next event or in our community forums!

Join us for Office Hours
Gain real-time support, engage with experts/peers, and enhance your expertise. Come talk to our team live every month at 8 AM PST.
Chat on Discord about Add-ons
Chat with users and the Adobe team on Discord. Add-on developers receive a special developer role and access to a private channel for developers.
Ask Questions about Embed SDK
Get help, report bugs, share ideas, give feedback, and read announcements about the Embed SDK all in one place.
Suggest Ideas & Request Features
Request an Add-on API feature, or suggest an integration in the Adobe Express UserVoice forum.

What’s new?
- Read the Add-ons changelog for new features
- Check out the Embed SDK changelog
- Watch our video playlist to get started
- Browse through our add-on showcase
News, Updates and Inspiration
Read more on the Adobe Tech Blog
Optimizing The Discoverability of your Adobe Express Add-On
Follow these tips to put your add-on in front of as many users as possible.
How WellSaid Labs Built Their Adobe Express Add-On
Add voice to your multimedia designs and hear from the developer about their team’s experience of extending the Adobe Express platform.
MLH Winner Becomes Adobe Fund for Design Recipient
The story behind the winner of the Most Creative Adobe Express Add-On category at a recent Major League Hacking hackathon.

Subscribe to the Creative Cloud developer newsletter
Our newsletter features news for anyone who creates, develops, or builds add-ons, plugins, extensions, or integrations for Creative Cloud products, including Adobe Express.