Sample Code
The following samples demonstrate JWT generation and exchanging it with Adobe IMS endpoint to retrieve an access token.
Node.js Example
Github repo where you can find a complete sample Node.js code to generate a JWT and exchanging it with Adobe IMS Endpoint to retrieve an access token.
Java Example
Github repo where you can find a complete sample Java code to generate a JWT and exchanging it with Adobe IMS Endpoint to retrieve an access token.
Python Example
Github repo where you can find a complete sample Python code to generate a JWT and exchanging it with Adobe IMS Endpoint to retrieve an access token.
C#.NET Example
Github repo where you can find a complete sample C#.NET code to generate a JWT and exchanging it with Adobe IMS Endpoint to retrieve an access token.
PHP Example
Github repo where you can find PHP code example for JWT creation and reference method that exchanges JWT with Adobe IMS Endpoint to retrieve an access token.