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Lesson 3: End-to-End Test

In the previous lessons, we have set up two App Builder apps:

  • An event provider that automatically generates events
  • An event consumer that automatically pulls from the Journaling API and writes to App Builder storage

If you would like to configure the alarm package to automatically trigger events or pull events from the Journaling API, set up app.config.yaml and try the /whisk.system/alarms/interval feed of the OpenWhisk Alarm Package to fire trigger events on an interval schedule. To see the effect quickly, make it run every minute. You will need a trigger set up with the /whisk.system/alarms/interval feed, and a rule to wire this trigger to the publish-event or consume-event action created earlier.

The only required parameter for the interval feed is minutes, an integer representing the length of the interval (in minutes) between trigger fires. Optional parameters are trigger_payload, startDate and stopDate.

Now that we have deployed these apps in two different namespaces, we can configure them to trigger at different cadences. if successful, the events will be stored in the App Builder database.

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