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Working with Packages

Packages are a simple and yet important concept in I/O Runtime. You can use packages to handle versioning (deploy new version of your actions in a new package), create different actions with the same name within the same namespace, group together actions that are related, share actions with other parties, and much more.

You create a package by running:

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aio rt:package:create my-fancy-package

Deleting packages works only if they are empty, that is, no actions or triggers have been defined in them:

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aio rt:package:delete my-fancy-package

Packages allow defining default parameters at the package level. All actions defined in that package will then be able to read the default parameters. In this example a param called name is set, with the value some-value:

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$ aio rt:package:update my-fancy-package --param name some-value

Add this flag sharedto make a package available to any other user of the system:

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$ aio rt:package:update my-fancy-package --shared yes

To use a shared package, you must first bind it. In this example, we bind my-fancy-package to a package called my-package. This allows you to invoke any action defined in the original namespace as part of the bound package.

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$ aio rt:package:bind /namespace-where-package-is-defined/my-fancy-package my-package

Shared packages and permissions

Shared packages enforce execute-only permission for any operation is initiated from outside the namespace owning the package. Assuming there is a shared package my-package in namespace a, and a namespace b that uses the shared package, then:

  • Invoking my-package actions from namespace b or a will work
  • Trying to get, edit, or delete my-package code from namespace b will fail
  • Management of my-package - create, read, update, or delete - will only work from namespace a

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