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Deploy Your First Adobe I/O Runtime Action

In this step, you will create an I/O Runtime action, test it, and deploy it.

Create a function and an action

Create the following function in any editor and save it as hello.js:

Copied to your clipboard
function main(params) {
return { payload: 'Hello ' + params.name };

aio rt:action:create hello hello.js

This command uploads the code contained in hello.js to Runtime and stores it as an action named hello. If the command is successful, you will see this acknowledgement in the command-line window:

ok: created action hello

Your function is now deployed as a Runtime action.

Test the action

Now invoke the new action:

aio rt:action:invoke --result hello --param name <your name>

You should see this output:

Copied to your clipboard
"payload": "Hello <your name>"

Next step

Next, review the results of your action, at Retrieve Action Invocation Results.

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